Ethiopia's Development Partners Requested to Bolster Partnership on Innovation, Technology Sector 
May 24, 2024 4303
Addis Ababa, May 24/2024 (ENA) State Minister of Innovation and Technology Baysa Bedada stressed the importance of bolstering collaboration with development partners to harness innovation and technology projects for Ethiopia's progress. The ministry has organized Science, Technology, Research, Innovation, Digitization, and Entrepreneurship (STRIDE- Ethiopia) forum with development partners at Science Museum in Addis Ababa today as part of the concluding STRIDE Ethiopia Expo the ministry launched last week. Opening the forum, Innovation and Technology State Minister Baysa Bedada stressed Ethiopia's recent strides in leveraging innovation and technology and the need to bolster partnership for its progress. The state minister stressed the crucial role of partnerships in a rapidly changing world, where collaboration is essential to navigate advancements like artificial intelligence and the Internet of Things.   “The Ministry of Innovation and Technology is at a pivotal juncture in its journey towards progress. The Collective effort of our esteemed partners, together with the unwavering commitment of the Ethiopian government, has laid a solid foundation for growth and transformation. As we move forward, let us embrace the opportunities presented by innovation and technology, leveraging our diverse expertise and collaborative spirit to drive inclusive and sustainable development that leaves no one behind,” Baysa said. Moreover, the state minister mentioned about the ministry's efforts in fostering an innovation ecosystem through investments in research and development, promoting entrepreneurship, and establishing supportive policies. He emphasized the Ministry's goal of empowering local talent and building a sustainable, needs-based innovation-driven economy. Baysa further underscored the success of joint initiatives with development partners across various sectors like healthcare, agriculture, education, and governance. The State Minister called for leveraging Ethiopia's traditional knowledge and cultural heritage alongside modern technology for inclusive and culturally sensitive development. The state minister concluded by emphasizing the need for continuous learning, experimentation, and embracing disruptive technologies to stay at the forefront of innovation and drive sustainable development. He also expressed government's commitment to collaboration with development partners to leverage collective expertise for inclusive and sustainable progress that benefits all Ethiopians. During a panel discussion held at the forum, representatives from the European Union Delegation in Ethiopia, United Nations Development Program (UNDP), and Korea International Cooperation Agency (KOICA), expressed the need to support STRIDE initiative to empower the private sector and government institutions for the Ethiopian peoples' benefit and the country's progress.      
PM Abiy Launches Ethiopian Federal Police's  EFP Citizen Engagement App.  
May 23, 2024 4233
Addis Ababa, May 23/2024 (ENA) Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed officially launched today the Ethiopian Federal Police's EFP Citizen Engagement App. The Ethiopian Federal Police and the Ethiopian Artificial Intelligence Institute have jointly developed the platform, which will enable citizens easily give tips on crime. Citizens can use their smartphones to download the application and submit crime information in the form of images, videos, and documents. The premier said on the occasion that the digital technology infrastructure being developed by the Ethiopian Federal Police will enable citizens to actively participate in crime prevention. Today, the Federal Police Commission, in collaboration with the Artificial Intelligence Institute, launched the EFP Citizen Engagement App, abiy said, stating that the initiative is part of the Digital Ethiopia strategy, which aims to deliver essential services to citizens. He said that 500 services are being provided through the digital system across all institutions. To achieve its full potential, the PM noted that all sectoral work must be supported by Digital Ethiopia. “Over the past six years, the Federal Police has transitioned from analogue to digital systems. In our increasingly populated city, active citizen engagement is crucial. Available on the App Store and Play Store, this app enables citizens to actively participate in preventing criminal activities by providing tips via photo, video, voice, documents, or direct calls.” Prime Minister Abiy urged all citizens to be proactive in securing our neighborhoods and cities.    
Gov’t Encourages Strong Private Sector Engagement in Its Effort to Realizing Digital Ethiopia 
May 22, 2024 2751
Addis Ababa, May 22/2024 (ENA) Deputy Prime Minister Temesgen Tiruneh called on the private sector to play a leading role in realizing Ethiopia's digital transformation. A panel discussion focused on Ethiopia's digital economy was held at the Science Museum today in the presence of the deputy prime minister as well as senior government officials and stakeholders in the technology sector. Deputy Prime Minister Temesgen said that since digital Ethiopia is inevitable, the country has embarked on implementing important initiatives that would pave the way for inclusive growth in the global digital economy.Currently, Ethiopia is executing a digital transformation strategy to harness technological driven economic growth and propel the East African nation towards an innovative and sustainable economy. Explaining the reasons why it is necessary to speed up digitization for Ethiopia, Temesgen underscored that digitalization can play a leading role in accelerating the country’s growth. Additionally, the deputy prime minister said digitalization would help to improve the delivery of public services and empower the governance system. It has also become an important tool for citizen engagement, and improved quality of life, he revealed. Mentioning that Ethiopia has the potential to build a digital economy, for instance, Temesgen stated that it is a country with young people who are eager for technological innovation. At the policy level, the deputy premier mentioned that ICT is being reinforced in Ethiopia as one of the five main pillars of the economy in the ten-year development plan. In this regard, he indicated that massive infrastructure activities have been carried out. In Digital Ethiopia 2025, the country is striving for ensuring inclusive development, he noted.Recalling that the government has established a Digital Transformation Council to make it a reality for the sector, Temesgen pointed out that one of its priorities is to strengthen the coordination process by increasing the participation of the private sector. In this regard, the Deputy Prime Minister called on the private sector to play a leading role in attaining Ethiopia's digital transformation.
Deputy PM Stresses Need to Reinforce Efforts to Ensure Cyber Security, Institutional Capacity 
May 18, 2024 3734
Addis Ababa May 18/2024 (ENA)Deputy Prime Minister Temesgen Tiruneh has urged the Information Network Security Administration (INSA) to continue strengthening its activities to enhance the cybersecurity capacity of institutions. Deputy Prime Minister Temesgen Tiruneh visited the institution's various operational units, including the Cyber Talent Development Center, the administration's digital exhibition, and the public key infrastructure. He also observed efforts being made by INSA to ensure the country's cybersecurity. Temesgen commended the activities being carried out by the security administration and stated that it should be further encouraged and reinforced. He noted that INSA is one of the institutions that have undergone its reform, which is efficiently implemented.   He also stated that the efforts in supporting other agencies, such as the Ministry of Revenue and Ethio-Telecom, in building systems towards the realization of Digital Ethiopia 2025, are noteworthy. The deputy prime minister also expressed his encouragement for the institution's assistance in helping key financial institutions build their own cybersecurity capabilities. He also commended the activities being undertaken to develop a cyber-army. He acknowledged the progress made in building the government's secure communication system, urging it to further develop capacity and combat the ever growing cyber-attacks.   Director General of the Information Network Security Administration, Tigist Hamid on her part stated that the administration is working to ensure the national cybersecurity.  
PM Abiy Opens 'STRIDE Ethiopia’ Expo 2024
May 18, 2024 3813
Addis Ababa May 18/2024 (ENA) Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed launched the ‘STRIDE Ethiopia’ Expo 2024 at ICT Park today. During the occasion, the prime minister said that achieving technology and innovation requires collaboration. “The launch of the ‘Stride Ethiopia’ Expo marks a significant and hopeful beginning for our ICT sector, a promise that was clearly evident during my recent visit to the ICT Park,” he added. Abiy added that this event underscored our commitment to technological innovation and growth, reflecting the potential and ambition that characterize Ethiopia's journey into the digital age. Moreover, he elaborated they have observed innovative projects at ICT Park to modernize the agricultural sector. It is also a great advantage for the country to have world-class data centers that accelerate the construction of smart cities and startups which will provide proper power distribution to the user and reduce wastage, he added. The prime minister pointed out that both government and private institutions should use the data centers to store information and use it properly for the development of the country. He also stressed it is important to recognize the fact that the world is investing most of the resources on technology and innovation. To this end, exerting concerted effort in coordinated manner to benefit from it is essential, the premier said. The government will launch an initiative that will provide trainings to 5 million Ethiopian technology and computer programme developers and to students who have talents in Mathematics and science, the premier pointed out. Minister of Innovation and Technology, Belete Molla said on his part that STRIDE Ethiopia is a big step towards achieving the country's goals in science, technology and innovation. STRIDE Ethiopia, initiated by the ministry, is a pioneer annual event aimed at fostering collaboration and innovation in Science, Technology, Research, Innovation, Digitalization, and Entrepreneurship. The STRIDE Ethiopia Expo brings together stakeholders from startups, ecosystem builders, corporations, government offices, academia, and development partners. It is organized under the theme “Science Unlocks, Technology Connects, Innovation Drives”. The expo will be open for the public at the Science Museum, from 19- 26 May, 2024.  
STRIDE Ethiopia 2024 Annual Grand Expo to be Held Next Week in Addis Ababa
May 14, 2024 4365
Addis Ababa, May 14/2024(ENA) Science, Technology, Research, Innovation, Digitalization, and Entrepreneurship (STRIDE) Ethiopia 2024 Annual grand expo will be held from May 19 - 26, 2024 in Addis Ababa. STRIDE Ethiopia, initiated by the Ministry of Innovation and Technology of Ethiopia, is a pioneering annual event aimed at fostering collaboration and innovation in Science, Technology, Research, Innovation, Digitalization, and Entrepreneurship. It serves as a conference and an expo, bringing together stakeholders from startups, ecosystem builders, corporations, government offices, academia, and development partners. The expo is organized under the theme “Science Unlocks, Technology Connects, Innovation Drives,” it was learned. Briefing the media today, State Minister of Innovation and Technology, Yeshurun Alemayehu said the expo will be launched officially on May 18, 2024, in the presence of senior government officials at ICT Park, in Addis Ababa. Furthermore, the expo will be opened for the public at the Science Museum from May 19- 26, 2024. The 8 day expo aims to promote the activities in science, technology, research and digitalization. Strengthening the relationship between the players of the sector and create awareness about the services. More than 150 governmental and private institutions engaged in electronic services, organizations that operate using technologies, banks, E-commerce and ICT companies are expected to participate at the expo. Senior Advisor for Minister Abiot Bayu on his part mentioned that various activities will be conducted at the expo including panel discussions and experience sharing among companies and institutions engaged in the field.   Innovation works in the areas of information technology, health, education, agriculture, industry among others will be displayed for exhibition, he added.  
China to Commercialize 6G Technology around 2030
May 7, 2024 5033
Addis Ababa, May 7/2024 (ENA) China announced that it is set to realize the commercialization of 6G technology around 2030. China Academy of Information and Communications Technology vice president, Wang Zhiqin disclosed today that the country will set standards for 6G technology around 2025 and realize the commercialization of the technology around 2030. According to the Belt and Road News Network (BRNN), "while 5G technology is being applied in various industries in China, 6G is also experiencing booming development in the country." Researchers adjust a humanoid robot at the State Key Laboratory of Multimodal Artificial Intelligence Systems. where Beijing has seized on the development opportunities provided by this forward-looking and innovative technology. The capital is home to many of China's preeminent universities and research institutes in the information and communications technology (ICT) sector, it was learned. Official of the Beijing Municipal Science and Technology Commission and Administrative Commission of Zhongguancun Science Park said that the city boasts multiple national-level research platforms in the field, making it a global hub for ICT academics, which provides fertile ground for the development of 6G technology. In recent years, Beijing has also continuously increased its support for the artificial intelligence (AI) industry. The capital city provides comprehensive support for the development of the AI industry forming a favorable innovation ecosystem, Professor Chen Zhenjiao of the University of International Business and Economics said. Data show that in 2023, the core output value of Beijing's AI industry exceeded 250 billion yuan. According to BRNN, the Western Beijing AI Valley, the city's first market-oriented AI computing center, was launched last year.            
Government Procuring 100 Electric City Buses
Apr 30, 2024 6880
Addis Ababa April 30/2024 (ENA) The government is in the process of purchasing 100 electric city buses, a significant step towards supporting Ethiopia's efforts to build a green economy, according to Metku Asmara, head of Addis Ababa's transport Bureau. Mitiku stated that public transport currently covers 31 percent of the city's 3.4 million daily trips, underscoring the government's emphasis on mass transportation. To promote electric mobility, the city administration has been transitioning its own fleet to electric vehicles.   Additionally, private investors have provided 20 electric minibuses and two buses to the public, which have proven efficient in transporting large numbers of people due to their speed. The head highlighted his Bureau's commitment to supporting private transport providers in the sector and urged them to invest in electric charging stations. He explained that such investments serve multiple purposes, including reducing air pollution, minimizing fuel consumption, mitigating noise pollution, and protecting the environment. By leading as role models, private investors can inspire others to engage in the sector, which offers various opportunities. As electric vehicles gain popularity in the country, facilitated by government tariffs, the need for charging stations becomes crucial, he said. The government has already initiated the process of procuring 100 electric city buses within a short timeframe, the head noted. Mitiku expressed optimism that the introduction of these electric vehicles and buses will alleviate the current transportation challenges. Furthermore, it is indicated that the Belayneh Kindie Group is assembling public transport vehicles, with 216 electric vehicles already completed.  
Deputy PM Highlights Importance of E-commerce to Expedite Digital Ethiopia Strategy, Enhance Competitiveness
Apr 29, 2024 6262
Addis Ababa, April 29/2024 (ENA) Deputy Prime Minister Temesgen Tiruneh highlighted the importance of implementing a digital strategy across all sectors, emphasizing the necessity of an e-commerce for creating a modern and technology-driven business system in Ethiopia. A National E-commerce Strategy validation workshop was held in Addis Ababa today in the presence of government officials, private sector and stakeholders. Speaking at the occasion, Deputy Prime Minister Temesgen Tiruneh said the e-commerce strategy aims to facilitate the transition of digital Ethiopia in addition to enhancing competitiveness.   He elaborated that one of the primary focuses of the homegrown economic reform is information technology, and the government is dedicated to fostering sustainable development through the Digital Ethiopia 2025 initiative. The objectives of the draft national E-commerce strategy include bolstering economic growth, enhancing international competitiveness, and seizing new opportunities for advancement, Temesgen highlighted. Ethiopia has implemented enabling legal framework by opening business sectors that were closed to foreign companies, engaging in the African Free Trade Zone and other competitive and sustainable foreign and domestic trades. In this regard, E-Commerce strategy is crucial as it is mandatory to create a modern and technology-driven business system, the deputy PM further explained that the growth of the E-Commerce market is expected to enhance and accelerate the government's digital transformation efforts. He pointed out that the preparation of the national E-Commerce strategy will help to create job opportunities using digital technology, increase foreign exchange and ensure national and sustainable development. The preparation and implementation of E-Commerce strategy will create favorable conditions for using the power of technology to successfully carry out our national development programs, continuously grow our economy and improve competitiveness at the international level. Minister of Trade and Regional Integration, Gebremeskel Chala stated that E-Commerce will facilitate domestic trade and encourage entrepreneurs everywhere by allowing business establishments to communicate with users online without time and space restrictions.   Modernization of domestic transactions by using E-Commerce, facilitation of export trade and creation of a strong E-Commerce logistics system are the main objectives of the strategy. The validation workshop was attended by senior government officials, including Deputy Prime Minister Temesgen Tiruneh, Trade and Regional Integration Minister Gebresemres Chala and Innovation and Technology Minister Belete Mola and various stakeholders.  
JICA Keen to Develop Young People's IT Skills in Ethiopia
Apr 27, 2024 5021
Addis Ababa, April 27/2024 (ENA) The Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) has expressed interest in expanding support to develop the young people’s IT skills in Ethiopia. In an exclusive interview with ENA, Chief Representative of the JICA to Ethiopia, Kensuke Oshima said the agency has been cooperating with Ethiopia for 50 years in multifaceted spheres Ethiopia has a huge number of population, where the majority of the people are young, he said, adding “I think there no doubt that Ethiopia has a big opportunity for economic growth in the future.” Thus, the representative said that the country is trying to transform the economy by focusing on business digital transformation that needs support. “I understand that digital transformation can advance the economy of this country,” he added. However, IT infrastructure facilities across the country are limited, while the people in urban areas can enjoy the smartphones, the people in the rural areas still may not have the access, he noted. Therefore, he stressed that expanding IT infrastructure services for the people in rural areas and developing the know-how of the people who already use IT are needed for further development. Now, the Ethiopian government is inviting foreign investors to the country, such as Safaricom and other industries he said, adding that in this regard addressing technical constraints facing Ethiopian technicians in the industry is critical. He underlined “we have to support the development of young people's IT skills in this country.” To this effect, he recalled that JICA and the Ministry of Innovation and Technology, Sumitomo Corporation and Safaricom Ethiopia signed MoU for developing IT knowledge and technology. The primary objective of this MoU is to establish joint working groups to the realization of the Ethiopian government's program, Digital Ethiopia 2025 and accelerate the development of innovative solutions through effective utilization of digital technologies, he said. He mentioned that JICA graduated 50 young IT technicians and it is working to expand the program. JICA is trying to provide IT training to 10,000 young people in Ethiopia in collaboration with other partners, he said. On other hand, he added that JICA will support startups in Ethiopia. Supporting startups in Ethiopia is still a new area for JICA, he said, adding it launched the Project NINJA (Next Innovation with Japan) in January 2020, which works in multifaceted support for entrepreneurs who take on the challenge of solving social issues in Africa, he said. “Here in Ethiopia, we have the center operation because it needs to be innovative technology and we are supporting a logic analytic creation program and the funding of a much improved program for the startupers in Ethiopia. We are still continuing such a program,” he added. Noting a startup can be a game changer of technologies, he said, adding “I think it will be a big opportunity for economic development in Ethiopia.”      
Ethiopian Assn. of Startup Ecosystem Appreciates Priority Given by Gov't to Startup Ecosystem
Apr 24, 2024 3977
Addis Ababa, April 24/2024 (ENA) The priority given to Ethiopia’s startup ecosystem and the changes in terms of policy and investment are commendable, according to the Ethiopian Association of Startup Ecosystem (EASE). In an exclusive interview with ENA, Ethiopian Association of Startup Ecosystem (EASE) General Manager Nebiyou Yirga said the startup ecosystem used to be a bit fragmented and nobody shared any kind of information. “What we are now demonstrating is that the ecosystem is not built by one person. It has to be built by a lot of people and there is no single owner of the ecosystem. It is owned by everybody.” Finding the gaps in the ecosystem and solving problems with all the ecosystem players, parties and the government are essential steps, he added. For the general manager, considering all the innovations and startup ecosystems in other continents “we are late, but we have started at last; and it is good.” According to him, the startuppers have now learned that there are going to be some changes in the ecosystem; and they are optimistic to see the good effects of the changes that are being promoted. In addition to praising the very good start in the ecosystem, Nebiyou hopes to see the effect of the policy and the kind of investments in the ecosystem. The Ministry of Innovation and Technology reaffirmed recently that the government is making a concerted effort to foster a startup-friendly atmosphere in the country by offering essential resources, including funding, workspace, and technical assistance. Efforts will be intensified to help startups enter the market as their contribution to job creation, productivity in agriculture, industry, and tourism, among others, is crucial, it noted. In a recent post on X, Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed also wrote that “Startup Ethiopia aims to cultivate an environment conducive to youth entrepreneurship, fostering innovative problem-solving businesses. Recognizing the youth as the nation’s engine brimming with innovative ideas, policy support for the ecosystem is vital to translate these ideas into reality.” Recall that a three-week “Startup Ethiopia Exhibition” opened at the Science Museum in Addis Ababa on April 4, 2024 with the goal of fostering business connections, providing resources, and showcasing the innovation of participants in the ecosystem. The exhibition was a national event hosting over 900 participating startups engaged in various fields, including information technology, agriculture, health, education, industry and finance.
IRENA Hails Ethiopia's Regional Renewable Energy Integration
Apr 21, 2024 3852
Addis Ababa, April 21/2024(ENA)-The International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) Director General appreciated Ethiopia's Regional Renewable Energy Integration. The fourteenth session of the Assembly of the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) held in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates. The Ethiopian delegation, led by Minister of Water and Energy Habtamu Etefa and Ethiopian Ambassador to the United Arab Emirates Omar Hussien, participated at the assembly.   The final day of the Assembly focused on the topics of bankable renewable energy projects, Africa's energy transition, the important roles of geothermal energy and green hydrogen, as well as the policy and skills needed to accelerate the energy transition. Members also continued to convene to push collaboration and cooperation forward towards the tripled renewables target by 2030. During the closing session of IRENA, Minister of Water and Energy Habtamu said, "We have also now prepared private-public partnership models that will increase the confidence of the private sector on actions taken by Ethiopia to increase private sector investment to foster bankability to expand solar, wind, and geothermal projects." He highlighted Ethiopia's energy strategy, which exemplifies the commitment of Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed to harnessing renewable energy sources. "We are close to achieving our target of 100 percent renewable energy by 2030 to propel our economy forward and achieve energy independence." The Ethiopian government is committed to regional integration by sharing its energy with neighboring countries like Kenya, Djibouti, and others. This strategy is not only used to ensure our economy but also to secure regional peace and security, he concluded.   IRENA director general Raul Alfaro Pelico, Director of Knowledge, Policy, and Finance Center (KPFC) at IRENA, closed the plenary session, reflecting on the need for a new paradigm on bankability and project impact to de-risk investment, increase public-private partnerships, and accelerate collaborative efforts to catalyze a global shift like what the Ethiopian government does. Raul noted that the energy transition is also expected to increase energy sector employment, with renewable energy jobs potentially tripling from the current 13.7 million to 40 million by 2050. Investments in other energy transition-related technologies could result in a substantial increase in job opportunities. Raul also made note of the possible misalignment of future job opportunities owing to developmental and geographical disparities. He called for just transition policies like tax credits, subsidies, grants, and public research and development to ensure that the misalignments do not become barriers to the renewable energy transition. In the session, the participants explore the African Renewable Power Alliance (APRA) and its strategy for boosting renewable energy in Africa through international collaboration.  
Space Science and Geospatial Institute to Share High-Resolution Satellite Data Freely
Apr 17, 2024 4750
Addis Ababa, April 17/2024 (ENA) The Ethiopian Space Science and Geospatial Institute (SSGI) announced that it has made high-resolution satellite data freely available to stakeholders in the country. The data was collected through a collaborative project signed with China's Ministry of Natural Resources in April, 2023. The institute held a national workshop to popularize high-resolution data collected from the Chinese Land Satellite Remote Sensing Application Centre (LASAC) and the National Spatial Data Infrastructure (NSDI) today.   Space Science and Geospatial Institute Deputy Director-General Bethelhem Nigussie said on the occasion that the 5-year LASAC project has resulted in a detailed satellite imagery covering the entire country. According to her, the institute is now ready to exchange the data with stakeholders for free based on provisional agreements to be reached soon. The data can be used for various purposes, including natural resources, agriculture and livestock, it was learned. In particular, the data will be helpful in managing natural disasters like floods and droughts, which are common in Ethiopia. Challenges such as data accessibility, lack of skilled personnel, and infrastructure limitations were identified during a workshop held by SSGI to discuss using the data. Meanwhile, SSGI has signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the Ethiopian Statistical Service to facilitate data and information sharing. Space Science and Geospatial Institute Director-General Abdisa Yilma and Ethiopian Statistical Service Director-General Beker Shale signed the agreement.  
Wingu Africa Achieves Tier III Certification for Data Center
Apr 16, 2024 4678
Addis Ababa, April 16/2024 (ENA) -Wingu Africa Group Limited, a leading data center provider in Ethiopia, has achieved Tier III certification from the Uptime Institute for its facility in the ICT Park, Addis Ababa. Wingu Africa has successfully met the stringent requirements, ensuring the facility's ability to withstand maintenance activities and unexpected failures without impacting critical IT functions, it was learned. Uptime Institute is a Global Digital Infrastructure Authority, headquartered in New York, NY, with main offices in London, São Paulo, Dubai, Riyadh, Singapore, and Taipei. This prestigious certification, awarded by the institute, affirms the data center's adherence to stringent industry standards for concurrent maintainability and fault tolerance. State Minister of Innovation and Technology, Yeshurun Alemayehu, hailed the certification as a remarkable feat for Ethiopia, lauding the certification as a significant milestone in Ethiopia's digital transformation journey. He emphasized the crucial role of data centers in supporting the country's digital transformation and expressed the government's commitment to assisting investors in this sector. This significant achievement further solidifies Wingu Africa's commitment to delivering secure and resilient data infrastructure, while positioning Ethiopia as a dynamic hub for innovation and development, the company announced.   Chief Strategy Officer at Wingu Africa , Nicholas Lodge, on his part expressed his delight in fulfilling all eligibility criteria for Tier III certification. He said the Tier III certification, recognized globally by the Uptime Institute, affirms the data center's adherence to the highest industry standards for concurrent maintainability and fault tolerance. He further said that Wingu Africa's data center in the ICT park, Addis Ababa, successfully met the stringent requirements, ensuring the facility's ability to withstand maintenance activities and unexpected failures without impacting critical IT functions. The rigorous evaluation process conducted by the Uptime Institute encompassed the facility's design, construction, and operational capabilities, he added. Country Director of Wingu Africa , Teshome Worku, expressed that the escalating demand for up-to-date data centers in the finance, banking, and telecom sectors. Teshome emphasized the company's dedication to meeting this demand by establishing a world-class data center with 200 racks and a 2.5-megawatt consumption system. This colocation data center plays a vital role in safeguarding sensitive data within Ethiopia, bolstering the country's data protection laws, he said. The company remains steadfast in its commitment to providing cutting-edge data solutions that empower businesses across the region, promoting Ethiopia's digital transformation journey and fostering innovation and development in East Africa, he said. A Pan-African Data Center operator, built with the total outlay of 50 million US dollars at ICT Park in Addis Ababa, was inaugurated last year.
Ethio telecom Committed to Providing Digital Solutions To Meet Ever-growing Demands: CEO 
Apr 16, 2024 3327
Addis Ababa April 16/2024 (ENA) Ethio telecom launched new feature Telebirr engage that enables customers to transact, socialize, and share via text, picture, QR, Audio or Video in addition to free of internet charges and settle digital payments in addition to the existing multiple functions. During the launching ceremony, Ethio telecom CEO Frehiwot Tamiru said that steadfast efforts are underway to realizing digital Ethiopia 2025. Due attention has been given to ensuring financial inclusion and remarkable achievements have been attained, she stated. "Our company is strongly committed to continuing introducing digital solutions that will meet the ever-growing demands of its valued customers, streamline their business operations and daily routines, enhance their convenience, improve their efficiency and effectiveness and promote a comprehensive digital economy." According to the CEO, Telebirr has, through its over 44 million subscribers, has made over 2 trillion Birr transaction value and 775 million transaction volume in nearly 3 years.   This means Telebirr has been undertaking an average transaction value of 5 billion birr per day, it was learned. Frehiwot added that the new telebirr engage empowers individual and business customers to engage in live chats, share information, and seamlessly request, send, and receive money as well as share bill during conversations. Furthermore, the CEO pointed out that the service introduces a novel feature enabling customers to send individual or group best wish messages along with monetary gifts to be divided among group members equally or criteria based in connection with holidays or social events. Ethio telecom also presented innovative and inclusive developer’s portal that allows organizations who wish to integrate their system with telebirr to perform system testing, she stated. “It enables the organizations to be accessible to over 44 million telebirr’s customers and release their products & services with shorter time to market.”    
Gov’t Committed to Support AI Products to Achieve Excellence in Digital Transformation  
Apr 12, 2024 4004
Addis Ababa, April 12/2024 (ENA) Efforts are being made with a view to achieving excellence in digital transformation in Ethiopia by supporting products of artificial intelligence (AI), Deputy Prime Minister Temesenge Tiruneh remarked. Robot Desta performed a musical performance with the distinguished Jazz musician, Mulatu Astatke last night. The Deputy PM, high ranking government officials, technology innovators and other invited guests were in attendance at the event. On the occasion, Deputy PM Temesgen said Ethiopia is working to accelerate the transformation of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and technology transfer. Temesgen mentioned the importance of AI in tackling the complex challenges facing African nations, including Ethiopia, and said that the government is exerting efforts to accelerate the growth of the sector and other digital alternatives by establishing Digital Transformation Council and taking other crucial measures. Thus, he continued, the country's digital transformation will be intensified through accelerating the development of AI technologies like Robot Desta.Director General of Ethiopia’s Artificial Intelligence Institute, Worku Gachena for his part described the significance of AI in supporting the ongoing digital transformation process in the country citing efforts being made to use AI in the development of agriculture, health, education, industry parks and other economic sectors. The Musical performance was organized by Ethiopian Artificial Intelligence Institute and iCog Labs in partnership with Ethiopian Airlines and Ethio-telecom. Robot Desta has been made to speak Amharic, demonstrates other feelings including happiness. Desta delivered a speech in Amharic at the event. Robot Desta, which is in display at the Science Museum, has been developed by Ethiopian Artificial Intelligence Institute and iCog Labs in collaboration with other institutions.
Ethiopian News Agency