Renovated Africa Hall Important Investment for Ethiopia's Greater Tourism Growth: ECA Chief
Oct 21, 2024 464
Addis Ababa October 21/2024 (ENA) A renovated Africa Hall is an important investment that positions Ethiopia for greater tourism growth given its pan-African legacy and rich history, the Executive Secretary of UN Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA), Claver Gatete remarked at the re-inauguration ceremony of the renovated Africa Hall. Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed and UN Secretary General António Guterres today inaugurated African hall, a landmark of liberation and a symbol of Pan-African unity in the presence of Moussa Faki Mahmat, Chairperson of the African Union Commission, Foreign Affairs Minister of the Islamic Republic of Mauritania, Mohamed Salem Ould Merzoug , diplomatic corps and distinguished guests. During the inaugural ceremony, UNECA Chief expressed a special gratitude to the Government of Ethiopia for the gift of Africa Hall in 1961, which became the starting point of an African renaissance. Africa Hall is emblematic of Africa’s past struggles and triumphs when the OAU Charter was signed right here in 1963 – a signal for a new beginning, he said, adding that “Now, more than ever, it makes sound economic sense to invest in sectors like tourism that harness our history, culture and heritage, to mobilize resources for national and continental development.” He mentioned some of the world’s iconic landmarks such as China’s Great Wall, America’s Statue of Liberty, France’s Eiffel Tower and India’s Taj Mahal, provide practical examples of how history and culture can draw millions of visitors annually, and also contribute to shared prosperity. And Africa, too, with over 130 world heritage sites, has her rich history waiting to be shared with the world, he underlined. For him, given Ethiopia’s pan-African legacy and rich history, a renovated Africa Hall is an important investment that positions the country for greater tourism growth, while celebrating Africa’s collective history and future. Gatete also underlined that it is time for more Africans and visitors from around the world to discover Africa’s stories here at Africa Hall. Furthermore, through initiatives like the Africa Continental Free Trade Area and visa relaxation policies, “we can honour our founding fathers’ vision of an integrated Africa by enhancing intra-African travel and creating a vibrant tourism market,” he said. Efforts have been made to meticulously preserve the materials from the original 1961 construction, blending the past with the present to create a rejuvenated space that reflects Africa’s proud heritage. The hall now stands as a modernized facility, equipped with state-of-the-art amenities, visitors’ center, and permanent exhibition space and conference hall to host high-level meetings, while maintaining its architectural and historical significance. One of the standout features is the open design of its chamber – an intentional homage to Emperor Haile Selassie, who believed that critical discussions should not be held behind closed doors. Sixty years ago, visionary leaders gathered in this very hall to lay the foundation for African unity by signing the Charter of the Organization of African Unity, he stated underlining that “When the next generation gathers here in the decades to come, it is only right that they should be inspired by the efforts we make today to advance the cause of Africa’s transformation.”
Ethiopia Joins UNHCR Executive Committee Bureau
Oct 18, 2024 2373
Addis Ababa, October 18/2024(ENA)-Permanent Representative of Ethiopia to the UN, in Geneva Ambassador Tsegab Kebebew, has been elected as a Second Vice-Chairperson of the Executive Committee (ExCom) Bureau of the UNHCR on October 18, 2024. Ambassador Tsegab was nominated by Ambassador Aimé Clovis Guillond, the Permanent Representative of the Republic of Congo, on behalf of the Africa group. He was seconded by Ambassador Paul Bekkers, Permanent Representative of the Kingdom of the Netherlands and endorsed by acclamation by the Executive Committee. The Ambassador’s nomination garnered full support of the Executive Committee due to his highly relevant experiences, including in leading multilateral fora, among others, as Chair of the UNDRR Support Group as well as Coordinator of the Africa Ambassadors Group on health issues in Geneva. The Executive Committee Bureau comprises four office holders: the Chairperson, two Vice-Chairpersons and the Rapporteur representing the four United Nations regional groups. The tenure of Bureau members lasts three years with Vice chairs taking over the chairmanship in their final year, according to Foreign Affairs Ministry. The Executive Committee of the High Commissioner's Programme (ExCom) meets in Geneva annually to review and approve the Agency’s programmes and budget, advise on international protection and discuss a range of other issues with UNHCR and intergovernmental and non-governmental partners.    
African Defense Ministers Applaud Ethiopia’s  Military Infrastructures, Professionalism of Armed Forces.
Oct 16, 2024 2271
Addis Ababa October 16/2024 (ENA) African Defense Ministers, who are attending the Firsts African Defense Ministers Conference in Addis Ababa, applauded Ethiopia's well-maintained military infrastructure and the professionalism of its armed forces. A delegation of defense ministers and military attachés from various African nations visited Headquarters of Ethiopian Air Force and the Defense Engineering Industry Corporation today. During the visit, the delegation received a comprehensive briefing on Ethiopia's advancements in military technology and engineering, including achievements in repairing, enhancing and manufacturing armored combat vehicles. On the occasion, they expressed appreciation for Ethiopia's efforts in promoting defense cooperation among African nations. The Deputy Minister of the South African National Defence Force, Major General Bantu Holomisa expressed enthusiasm about his visit to Ethiopia, a country historically significant for its military training of figures like Nelson Mandela in the 1960s. The Major General noted the impressive development in Ethiopia, highlighting the well-maintained infrastructure and the professionalism of its military. “The country is developing very well. The maintenance of the infrastructure is good. And the military, they seem to be professional. I am impressed with the training facility for the pilots." He expressed hope that South Africa and Ethiopia can exchange insights and explore the possibility of forging a relationship to enhance pilot training.   Uganda’s Minister of Defense and Veteran Affairs, Jacob M. Oboth-Oboth on his part congratulated Ethiopia for hosting African Defense ministers in Addis Ababa. “The discussion, presentation and coming to tour the Air Force facility, is amazing. This is the first of its kind that I have seen in Africa, and I believe that Ethiopia should be commended for its achievements.” He described the visit as historic, praising Ethiopia for its role in peacekeeping across the continent. “When there is a problem in one country, it is a problem for Ethiopia,” he said, adding “We thank Ethiopia for being a key contributor to peacekeeping missions in Africa, and their efforts are commendable.”   General Birame Diop, Senegal's Minister of Armed Forces said that today, our Ethiopian colleagues organized this visit to the Air Force base, showcasing modern infrastructure that ensures excellent training for pilots and technicians. “We have seen very modern infrastructures that can guarantee a wonderful training, a wonderful preparation of the crew members that are flying helicopters, the fixed wings, but also the crew members who are responsible of the maintenance of the aircraft.” He highlighted the need for African nations to work together to address security challenges.   Ethiopia’s Minister of Defense Engineer Aisha Mohammed said Ethiopia's recent reforms in security institutions and the defense sector serve as a model for African countries. Noting Ethiopia has over 80 years of experience and expertise in air force, she said, adding that African countries can greatly benefit from this extensive capacity and knowledge.  
Ethiopia's Minister Stresses Need to Invest in Education, Technology to Empower Rural Women
Oct 15, 2024 906
Addis Ababa October 15/2024 (ENA) Investing in education, technology and development of inclusive systems is critical for empowering rural women, Minister of Women and Social Affairs Ergogie Tesfaye said. Commemoration of International day of Rural Women held at the African Union today with the theme "Empowering Women Living in Rural Areas through Education and Access to Technology: Bridging the Gap Inclusive and Sustainable Agri-food Systems in Africa".   Addressing the occasion, Ergogie said across Africa, the agri-food sector remains the backbone of many rural communities. “We know that the backbones of agri-food in rural areas are also women. It is the source of livelihoods, food security and economic resilience for millions of families.” Women make up a significant portion of the agricultural workforce and play critical roles in household food security, nutrition, as well as agricultural and rural development in general, she noted. Despite their integral roles, rural women often face significant challenges that hinder their potential including limited access to education, resources and modern technology, it was indicated. Hence, the minister emphasized three key pillars that are essential for empowering rural women which are education, technology and the development of inclusive system. Governments, private sectors and international partners need to invest in infrastructure such as internet access, and mobile networks so that rural communities are not left behind in the digital age. By ensuring that women can access and utilize modern technology, we can open the doors to new opportunities in marketing finance, and agricultural innovation, she pointed out. Commissioner for Agriculture, Rural Development, Blue economy and Sustainable Environment at the African Union Josefa Sacko said rural women are the backbone of the agricultural system in Africa.   Noting that women play crucial role in African Agri-food system as they are the key drivers of agricultural growth, she said education is the powerful tool for women empowerment. Bridging the gap for inclusive and sustainable agri-food system is critical, she said, adding that to build inclusive and sustainable agri-food system, addressing the barriers that prevent rural women from fully participating in and benefiting from this system is essential. The International Day of Rural Women, established by the United Nations General Assembly in its resolution 62/136 of 18 December 2007, is observed on 15 October every year. The day recognizes the critical role and contribution of rural women, including indigenous women, in enhancing agricultural and rural development, improving food security, and eradicating rural poverty. The event is organized by the African Union Commission and partners with the overall objective of showcasing best practices of empowerment interventions and promoting the development of inclusive and sustainable Agri-food systems in Africa.
Ethiopia’s Deputy PM Stresses Need for Africa to Engage Globally on Its Own Terms 
Oct 15, 2024 584
Addis Ababa October 15/2024( ENA) Africa must engage with the world on its own terms, ensuring that its interests are represented and respected on the global stage, said Ethiopia’s Deputy Prime Minister Temasgen Tiruneh. The first African Defense Ministers Conference organized by Ethiopia on its own initiative kicked of in Addis Ababa at the Adwa Victory Memorial Museum this morning. Opening the conference, the Deputy Prime Minister mentioned that Africa is currently facing security challenges. "We come together today at a pivotal moment for Africa, our continent faces profound security challenges, intrastate conflicts, cross border tensions." he stated. Nations that were once seen as stable are now grappling with new vulnerabilities, Temesgen said, adding extremist groups are taking root, not just in government spaces, but in areas once considered secure. “Yet even as we confront these difficult realities, we are united in purpose. We are not here to simply talk about the problems we face. We are here to find solutions." The Deputy Prime Minster elaborated that this moment calls for us to reaffirm a "principle that has guided us for decades, 'African solutions to African problems.' That idea is not just a slogan, it is an imperative."   "We cannot look to others to solve our challenges, all too often; foreign interventions under the guise of humanitarian aid or human rights advocacy, have complicated our efforts to achieve peace. It is up to us here on this continent to take responsibility for our security and for our future." As Africans, we understand that our strength lies in our unity, Temesgen said, adding that the security of our nations cannot be left to chance. It must be built by our hands, using our own resources and forge it through our shared commitment. "When African nations share intelligence, train our forces together and support each other in peacekeeping efforts, we will be able to strengthen not only our own security, but the security of the future continent." Moreover, he added that Africa does not exist in isolation. Global powers have a vested interest in our affairs, and their influence is felt in our economies, our politics and yes, in our security. Hence, he stressed that “We must engage with the world of our own terms, ensuring Africa's interests and represented and respected on the global stage.” "Our task is to strike the right balance, leveraging the support we receive while building the strength we need to stand on our own. That is how we preserve our sovereignty, our dignity and our independence, " Temesgen emphasized. According to the Deputy Prime Minister of Ethiopia, at this African Defense Ministers Conference, there will be consultations on matters that will ensure the security of our people, build a strong security system and enable Africa to stand firm in the rapidly changing global environment.
African Defense Ministers to Convene Three-Day Conference in Addis Ababa
Oct 14, 2024 961
Addis Ababa October 14/2024 (ENA)The first African Defense Ministers Conference organized by Ethiopia on its own initiative will be held in Addis Ababa for three days from tomorrow. Minister of Defense Engineer Aisha Mohammed stated that the conference will be held under the theme "Africa, in strong unity, for universal security and peace". The Minister emphasized the need for collective consultation and solutions to address the continent's current challenges, and Ethiopia has convened this conference to facilitate such discussions. Aisha stated that the conference will delve into topics that aim to bolster continental security and enhance military cooperation among African nations. She further highlighted the importance of strengthening existing partnerships to combat terrorism and address global and regional security threats. The minister underscored Ethiopia's significant strides in the defense industry and emphasized the value of knowledge sharing from leading nations in this field. Additionally, the conference will explore strategies to enable the continent to achieve self-sufficiency in military resources and weapons, Aisha added. She also noted that there will be a consultation on how Africans, including Ethiopia, will continue to strengthen their role in the world peacekeeping mission. In addition, she pointed out that a direction will be set to strengthen coordination and capacity building activities in order to respond immediately to man-made and natural disasters. The minister also stated that there will be an exchange of experience on the continent in terms of military and other technological transfer opportunities. She added that a visit to Ethiopia's security institutions to see the outcomes of reforms and development works is also part of the conference. African defense ministers, senior military officers, military attachés based in Addis Ababa, and researchers engaged in military affairs will participate in the conference. Aisha said that at the conference, Africans will consult on their common issues and find solutions and strengthen their brotherhood.    
PALU Set to Discuss on Pressing Issues Affecting Africa’s Legal Practice in Its Addis Ababa Conference   
Oct 14, 2024 626
Addis Ababa October 14/2024( ENA) Pan African Lawyers Union (PALU) is set to discuss on several pressing issues affecting legal practice in the continent during its 14th annual Conference in Addis Ababa. The 14th annual Conference of Pan African Lawyers Union will be held in Addis Ababa from October 16-19, 2024. PALU Council Executive Committee has started today a two days meeting on the detailed annual reports and agendas to be presented at the conference. It was learned that this significant event will gather representatives from 54 national lawyers' associations and 5 sub-regional associations, along with thousands of legal professionals from across Africa and the diaspora. Under the theme “Africa as a Global Powerhouse: Empowering Minds, Enlightening Paths,” the four-day conference aims to amplify the voices of African lawyers on critical legal matters. Its objectives include promoting and protecting fundamental human rights, safeguarding the independence of judges and the legal profession, and advocating for good governance and democracy across the continent. The agenda will cover a range of topics, including the independence of the legal profession, cross-border commercial disputes, the sovereign debt crisis, and other pressing issues affecting legal practice in Africa. Over 300 participants drawn from Africa and other parts of the world including bar associations continental and international advocacy organizations as well as the representatives of African Union and UN agencies are expected to attend the conference.  
EU CommissionerJutta Urpilainen to Visit Ethiopia, AU
Oct 12, 2024 1508
Addis Ababa October 12/2024 (ENA) European Commissioner for International Partnerships Jutta Urpilainen will visit Ethiopia and the African Union Commission (AUC) on 14 October, 2024 to reaffirm the two Unions’ shared commitment to sustainable prosperity, promote effective multilateralism, peace and security. During the visit, the Commissioner will hold bilateral meetings with Moussa Faki Mahamat, Chairperson of the African Union Commission (AUC), and Monique Nsanzabaganwa, Deputy Chairperson of the African Union Commission. European Commissioner Urpilainen visit holds the first edition of the EU-AU High Level Dialogue on Economic Integration and Trade with Albert Muchanga, AU Commissioner for Economic Development, Trade, Tourism, Industry and Minerals. She will present with AUDA NEPAD CEO, Nardos Bekele Thomas a joint report on the implementation of Global Gateway commitments adopted at the 6th EU-AU Summit in 2022 and the launch of the AU-EU Youth Lab programme. The programme of the Commissioner also includes a step forward for the AUC component of the Regional Teachers Initiative for Africa, in connection to the 2024 AU theme of the year “Educate and Skill Africa for the 21st Century.” This visit to Addis Ababa celebrates the deliverables of the strong cooperation between the African and European Unions, in line with the Joint Vision for 2030 adopted at the last Summit held in Brussels on 17 and 18 February 2022. The EU Commissioner will take advantage of her presence in Ethiopia and also engage with the Government of Ethiopia on issues of mutual interest, notably to discuss the Global Gateway, and interact with the private sector.      
Over 259,000 Visitors Granted Visas to Ethiopia in Just Three Months
Oct 11, 2024 1578
Addis Ababa October 11/2024 ( ENA) The Ethiopian Immigration and Citizenship Service has reported that in the last three months, 259,705 visitors were granted visas to enter Ethiopia. In a performance report issued today, Director General Selamawit Dawit detailed the achievements of the third quarter of the 2017 Ethiopian fiscal year. During this period, the Service successfully issued entry visas for a variety of purposes, facilitating the movement of over 1.1 million travelers into and out of Ethiopia via both air and land routes. This number represents a substantial increase compared to the same timeframe last year, highlighting a promising trend in the influx of visitors to Ethiopia. Selamawit attributed the rise primarily to the increasing number of travelers arriving in Addis Ababa. "We have issued 259,705 visas over the past three months," Selamawit stated, emphasizing that this marks a notable growth from the previous year's figures. The data indicates a continual rise in the number of travelers to Addis Ababa, with 559,848 passengers arriving through Bole International Airport and 581,704 travelers departing during the same period. In total, the Service processed over 1.1 million passengers in just three months. Additionally, 478,000 passport booklets were imported during this time, with 367,000 distributed to citizens. The online passport registration system is now efficiently processing more than 7,000 applications daily, while the e-Visa service continues to operate smoothly. The report also announced that starting in the upcoming January, e-passport services will officially commence, with all necessary preparations already completed. "We have initiated the trial phase for e-passports, and by January, we aim for a full launch of the service, marking a significant milestone in enhancing the passport issuance process," said the Director General. She also addressed ongoing efforts to tackle recurring service delivery challenges. A series of reforms and improvements have been implemented to enhance service quality, including the restructuring of the immigration system and revisions to immigration laws aimed at introducing significant changes. Furthermore, the Service revealed that passports for citizens aged 25 and older will soon have a validity period of 10 years, in accordance with the organization’s new operational guidelines. "The passport service we provide to individuals over the age of 25 will have a validity period of 10 years. This will reduce the number of people who need to renew their passports simply because their time has expired without much use. It will also reduce the associated costs, which is why we believe it will solve many issues."          
Addis Ababa's School Feeding Program Receives International Acclaim
Oct 11, 2024 2749
Addis Ababa October 11/2024 ( ENA) Addis Ababa city school feeding program is a role model for global replication that can also be exported to other cities across the world, Milan Urban Food Policy Pact Representatives remarked. The Milan Urban Food Policy Pact (MUFPP) is an international agreement among cities from all over the world, committed to develop sustainable food systems that are inclusive, resilient, safe and diverse. Representatives of the Milan Urban Food Policy Pact from different countries visited school feeding program as well as community feeding centers in Addis Ababa today.   The representatives emphasized the significance of both the school feeding program and community feeding centers, noting that these initiatives provide students and vulnerable community members with essential nutritious food vital for their mental and physical development. Head of the MUFPP Secretariat at City of Milan, Filippo Gavazzeni, told ENA that he came to Addis Ababa along with MUFPP representatives of other countries to see how the school feeding and community feeding programs work, stressing the model is praiseworthy that can be also exported to other countries. “So, this field visit in the school and feeding centers will be very useful. I think that the role of the mayor on school meals can be a guide for other cities in Africa to develop or improve the school feeding program,” the head said. Moreover, the head appreciated the commitment of Mayor Adanech Abiebie and effort of Addis Ababa City Administration at large for promoting free school meals and community feeding centers in the city. Nutrition, Wellness and School Feeding Director at Nairobi City County, Esther Mogusu on her part underlined that the school feeding program helps students to be better in their studies and improve overall performances of their lives.   She praised the government and Mayor of Addis Ababa for initiating the school feeding program, emphasizing food is a very important aspect for children since it provides them nutrition that increases enrollment in school and improves their cognitive performance which lead them to be more productive citizens of the country. “We know that food is very important for children because it provide nutrition; from a very young age, it increases their enrollment in school; it also prevents absenteeism in school; it helps the children to have better concentration in class; improves cognitive performance; and also to have a more productive population in Ethiopia,” Mogusu stated. Senior Associate at Global Alliance for Improved Nitration (Gain) Kenya Office, Maureen Muketha, said the school feeding initiative of the government of Ethiopia is an investment on future generation of the country.   The program delivers comprehensive nutritious meals to young children, who are crucial to the future and progress of modern Ethiopia, she noted. She underscored that “these young children are able to get comprehensive nutritious meal. It is really good to see that the government of Ethiopia is looking at investing in the future; because, these are future doctors, lawyers, prime ministers of Ethiopia. So, keep it up Ethiopian government!” Launched as a pilot project in 2019, Addis Ababa school feeding initiative has evolved into a standard practice, benefiting students across public elementary schools in the city.  
Over 300 Gov't Health Institutions Set to Transition to Renewable Electric Energy
Oct 11, 2024 834
Addis Ababa October 11/2024 (ENA) A new pilot project aimed at converting more than 300 government health institutions in Ethiopia to renewable electric energy has been officially launched. The project seeks to power these health facilities with solar energy, benefitting 6.7 million citizens across the country. This initiative is the result of a partnership between the Ministry of Health, UNICEF, and the Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization (GAVI). The project is designed to improve healthcare services by providing solar-powered electricity to health institutions located in remote areas, far from the national power grid. Through this initiative, 6.7 million citizens in selected regions will have access to enhanced healthcare services. At the launch event, Dr. Alemayehu Hunduma, a representative of the Ministry of Health, was joined by distinguished guests including Thabani Maphosa , a senior expert at GAVI, and UNICEF Representative in Ethiopia, Dr. Aboubacar Kampo , UNICEF Ethiopia’s representative. Alemayehu highlighted that this project will improve healthcare delivery in 305 health institutions across Ethiopia. He also emphasized that the initiative will help reduce maternal and child mortality by ensuring more reliable healthcare services. Thabani Maphosa from GAVI pointed out that this project is part of a larger 35 million USD initiative aimed at bringing solar power to 1,000 health institutions across four countries. This solar energy project will not only improve healthcare outcomes but also contribute to Ethiopia’s efforts to expand access to renewable energy, particularly in underserved and off-grid areas.    
Ethiopian News Agency