Ethiopia Expresses Dismay Over Irresponsible Statements Made by Senior Officials of Somalia's Gov't 
Jul 26, 2024 463
Addis Ababa, July 26/2024 (ENA) Ethiopia expressed dismayed by the unwarranted and irresponsible statements made by senior officials of the government of Somalia on various occasions attempting to deny the critical role of Ethiopia in helping to rebuild the state of Somalia. In a statement released by the Office of the Spokesperson of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs today Ethiopia is closely following the repeated provocative statements by the Government of Somalia. Contrary to the baseless accusations of the government of Somalia, Ethiopia has rather been sacrificing in the service of peace and stability of the brotherly people of Somalia for more than three decades, Office of the Spokesperson underlined. “Ethiopia is, thus, dismayed by the unwarranted and irresponsible statements made by senior officials of the Somalia on various occasions attempting to deny the critical role of Ethiopia in helping to rebuild the state of Somalia.” Bearing in mind its strong conviction for regional interdependence, the statement said, adding that cultural ties and historical relationships cemented with blood and sweat, Ethiopia did not choose to respond to the baseless accusations of the authorities in Somalia. Ethiopia, rather, preferred the path of patience and positive engagement for the common good of our peoples, statement added. "It should be underlined that, Ethiopia is deeply concerned about the proliferation of trafficking of small arms and light weapons in the Horn of Africa," Office of the Spokesperson of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs stated. As the region is challenged by ongoing conflicts, unchecked coastal lines, as well as unsecured borders, it is imperative for countries of the region to coordinate their efforts in fighting such crimes, it said. Ethiopia reiterated its steadfastness in fighting terrorism and proliferation of illegal trafficking of small arms, light weapons and Improvised Explosive Devices. "Ethiopia will continue to stand on the side of the brotherly people of Somalia to fulfill their aspiration for sustainable peace, stability, economic development and regional cooperation," statement stressed.      
Activities Underway for Meaningful Women Participation in Nat'l Dialogue, Says Ergoge Tesfaye 
Jul 25, 2024 459
Addis Ababa July 25/2024 (ENA) Activities are being carried out to engage women for a meaningful participation in nation state building and national dialogue processes, Minister of Women and Social Affairs, Ergoge Tesfaye remarked. The minister recalled that citizens have been voicing demands for resolving the fundamental problems of the country through national dialogue process, which she said has reached decisive stage. Ergoge further said the Ministry of Women and Social Affairs has facilitated various forums in coordination with stakeholders to engage women in meaningful and wider participation on issues of nation building efforts and national dialogue processes.   The minister stated that women are the prime victims of disagreements and differences of views manifested at the national level. She lauded the National Dialogue Commission for its efforts in conducting inclusive national dialogue to foster the culture of working in close cooperation and reach national consensus. Network for Ethiopian Women’s Associations (NEWA) has been providing capacity building trainings on agenda gathering and compiling to thousands of women in 8 regional states and two city administrations, deserving appreciation, she added.   Speaking on the occasion, Chief Commissioner of the National Dialogue Professor Mesfin Araya remarked that if we all are to win, we certainly need to engage in a constructive dialogue. And we have to engage women in the consultations, he said, underscoring that women’s agenda represents the agenda of all Ethiopians.   NEWA Executive Director Saba Gebremedhin on her part indicated that the organization is working to ensure that women have proper representation at the national dialogue process and play their part.
War College Empowering Defense Force in Ethiopia's Geopolitical Interest over Red Sea, Gulf of Aden
Jul 25, 2024 659
Addis Ababa July 25/2024 (ENA) The Defense War College of Ethiopia has been empowering military leaders with the knowledge of the country’s geopolitical interest on the Red Sea and Gulf of Aden, Defense War College Commander in Chief Brigadier General Bulti Tadesse told ENA. Ethiopia, with a population projected to reach 150 million by 2030, is found in a unique geopolitical position in the Horn of Africa and the nation plays a critical role in Red Sea politics, which is rooted in historical and strategic dimensions, economic imperatives, regional stability considerations and significance of the region’s geopolitical landscape. In an exclusive interview with ENA, Defense War College Commander in Chief Brigadier General Bulti Tadesse said the politics of Red Sea and Gulf of Aden is a very critical regional issue that directly and indirectly affects the national interest of Ethiopia. Therefore, the college has been organizing a lot workshops and symposiums as well as long and short term courses for military leaders on the geopolitical interest of Ethiopia over the Red Sea and Gulf of Aden. Moreover, the college has been nurturing and cultivating strategic military leaders with knowledge of geopolitics of the region, he added. The commander in chief of the college explained that having knowledge of geopolitics of the region enables military leaders to understand what is going around the region, and how to maintain and ensure the national interest of Ethiopia in all national security dimensions. “There is a great security politics here and there, especially the Horn of Africa,” Brigadier General Bulti said, adding that the war college made members of the defense force understand what is going on in security matters, what Ethiopia’s national security interest is, and what principles the country follows in defense capability and national security dimensions. The college provides masters and regular diploma programs in areas of strategic leadership, national security, military professionalism, international relations, foreign policy and diplomacy, it was learned. According to Brigadier General Bulti, the college also renders training in internal and regional threat analysis, conflict resolution, military intelligence and geopolitics among other key subject matters related to defense. Furthermore, the college will work more on capacitating the defense force of the country in areas of peace and security as well as geopolitics of the region. The Defense War College of Ethiopia has been operational since October 2019 as Ethiopia’s first senior level strategic security studies and research institution.  
Finland Seeks to Heighten Bilateral Cooperation with Ethiopia
Jul 25, 2024 547
Addis Ababa, July 25/2024(ENA) Finnish Ambassador to Ethiopia Sinikka Antila has expressed her country’s desire to consolidate bilateral cooperation with Ethiopia in various development sectors. Speaking to ENA, Ambassador Antila also hailed Ethiopia's ongoing massive corridor development project that intends to uplift the image of Addis Ababa. According to Antila, Ethiopia and Finland enjoy 30 years of diplomatic relations and strong bilateral cooperation in various development spheres. The ambassador stated that the two countries have a well established partnership particularly, in areas of development such as water supply and sanitation, education, agriculture and digitized land administration as well as in the Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET). She further reiterated Finland’s commitment in further fostering the existing bilateral cooperation with Ethiopia. “We have had very tight cooperation; big programs together and well established partnerships for a long time. In fact, we are celebrating this year the 30th year of cooperation in water and sanitation, the ongoing flagship co-wash project here in Ethiopia,” the ambassador underscored. Ambassador Antila also pledged to support Ethiopia’s ongoing development endeavors to modernize the society and beautify the country. Furthermore, the ambassador pointed out that Finland supports Ethiopia for its effort in promoting democracy and a nationwide consultation process, overseen by the Ethiopian National Dialogue Commission. Mentioning Ethiopia’s circular economy that has been launched last week, the ambassador revealed that Finland is going to support this national circular economy through the African Development Bank (AfDB) circular economy fund. Recall that Ethiopia has launched a National Circular Economy Roadmap to unleash the country’s full potential of the circular economy through creating an enabling environment. Circular economy is a model of production and consumption that involves sharing, leasing, reusing, repairing, refurbishing and recycling existing materials and products as long as possible, it was learned. Asked about the ongoing corridor development in the Ethiopian capital, the Finnish ambassador hailed the country for its massive corridor development project aimed at uplifting the image of Addis Ababa. Antila hoped that the corridor development project will make Addis Ababa much more beautiful and pave the way to have a good public transportation system, as the capital is the seat of the African Union as well as various international organizations.          
Ireland Eyes Further Augmenting Investment, Trade Ties with Ethiopia
Jul 23, 2024 865
Addis Ababa, July 23/2024 (ENA) Irish Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Micheál Martin revealed that Ireland has been seeking a stronger investment and trade links with Ethiopia. The deputy prime minister and foreign minister was in Ethiopia last week for an official working visit which aimed at taking a three-decade bilateral ties to a higher level of cooperation. Approached by ENA, Martin underscored that Ethiopia and Ireland have been enjoying longstanding bilateral ties. “We have a long standing partnership and relationship with Ethiopia. Some 30 years ago, we established diplomatic relations with Ethiopia and our embassy essentially established here in Addis Ababa,” he stated. According to him, over those years, the two countries have maintained a consistent and steady partnership in terms of development cooperation in supporting many initiatives of the government of Ethiopia. In this regard, the deputy prime minister and foreign minister mentioned some initiatives that Ireland supports Ethiopia in the spheres of productive safety net program, health, education and food production systems. He further expressed Ireland’s commitment that the country has been working hard in order to foster its trade and investment relations with Ethiopia. “Into the future we'd like to see stronger investment in Ethiopia from Irish companies, and we would like to see stronger trading links between Ireland and Ethiopia.” Acknowledging Ethiopia’s Homegrown Economic Reform Program, Martin said we are very impressed with the significant reform being carried out in the country. For him, the Homegrown Economic Growth program of Ethiopia has become instrumental for countries including the European Union to consolidate economic cooperation with Ethiopia. Particularly, the deputy prime minister and foreign minister hoped that the ongoing Ethiopia’s economic reform will attract Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) and enhance trade. “I had a very good meeting with Finance Minister Ahmed Shide and his point was that the reforms at macro level are happening now in Ethiopia. So I think the opportunities will grow in Ethiopia. So the reform itself attracts FDI and extra trade between Ireland and Ethiopia as well as between Europe and Ethiopia.” Speaking on Ethiopia’s reconstruction endeavors following the war in the northern part of the country, Martin urged the various global financial institutions to support the efforts including the European Union. Noting that reconstruction is very important, he noted that the world has to support Ethiopia in that aspect, adding that “we have to get behind Ethiopia in terms of the reconstruction and recovery.”
Over 10,000 IDPs Displaced from Districts of Tselemt Returned to their Localities
Jul 22, 2024 1029
Addis Ababa, July 22/2024 (ENA) Over 10,000 internal displaced persons (IDPs) who were displaced from the three districts of Tselemt have returned their localities, Major General Mesele Belete, Deputy Chief of the North Western Command said. Major General Mesele added that NDF who has been on duty in the area has been effectively discharging its responsibilities to safeguarding the peace and security of the localities. Members of ENDF have also carried out activities in collaboration with representatives of Amhara and Tigray regions to repatriate IDPS who were displaced due to the northern conflict, he added. The IDPs have returned their homes following extensive discussions held with them displaced and the receiving communities, the deputy chief stated. He mentioned about the efforts made to verify whether the displaced were actually residents of the Kebeles or not by electing elders to identify individuals from those who are not IDPs. During the preparatory activities, the displaced have been repatriated to their homes by retrieving their properties from the third party and ensuring peace and security. After the repatriation, interim administration will be established from Kebele to District levels through elections by directly engaging the public in the process, Major General Mesele pointed out. Activities have also been carried out to return the IDPs to their homes in four consecutive rounds, he said. Accordingly, over 10,000 citizens, who were displaced from the three districts of Tselemt, have returned to their homes. Major General Mesele commended the collaboration demonstrated by the elders, religious fathers, and the entire community for their contributions they have made to the successful repatriation.
Consultations Among Political Parties Foundation to Address Nat’l Challenges, Build Robust Democratic System
Jul 21, 2024 1128
Addis Ababa June 21/2024 (ENA) The Joint Council of Political Parties remarked that the ongoing consultations among political parties in Ethiopia are key foundation to addressing national challenges and build robust democratic system in the country. Ethiopian political parties held a discussion forum today to exchange views on current affairs and major national issues. Democracy Building Center Coordinator Office Head with the rank of Deputy Prime Minister and Vice President of Prosperity Party, Ademe Farah, Chairperson of the Joint Council of Political Parties, Desta Dinka among other leaders and members of political parties were in attendance at the discussion forum. On the occasion, Chairperson of the Joint Council of Political Parties, Desta Dinka stressed the need to further bolster the culture of dialogue among political parties to address national challenges jointly. Commending the commitment of the government to discuss national issues with political parties, the chairperson urged the parties to demonstrate their readiness for such opportunity. The ongoing consultations among political parties in Ethiopia are instrumental to addressing national challenges and build civilized democratic system in the country, Desta underlined. He said today’s consultation forum aims at paving ways for political parties to discuss challenges that could be addressed jointly. Chairperson further stressed the need to stand together to curtail Ethiopia’s problems by aiming at national goals vital to the people and future generation of the country. Head of the Democratic Culture Building Department at Prosperity Party and executive member of the Council, Meles Alemu for his part stated that consultation process being underway among political parties in Ethiopia marks the inception of new political culture. He highlighted the significance of dialogue in safeguarding national interests, address challenges and maintain positive achievements, stating the ongoing efforts of the ruling Prosperity Party to build robust democratic system with strong commitment.        
FM Taye Participates 5th Ordinary Session of AU Executive Council in Accra
Jul 19, 2024 937
Addis Ababa, July 19/2024 (ENA) A delegation led by Ambassador Taye Astke-Selassie, Foreign Minister of Ethiopia, is participating in the 45th Ordinary Session of the Executive Council of the African Union, which is being held in Accra, Ghana. Delegates from across the African continent are in Accra for the 45th Ordinary Session of the African Union (AU) Executive Council and the 6th mid-year coordination meetings of the AU regional economic communities. The two events will respectively take place from July 18 to July 21, 2024, under the theme “Educate an African fit for the 21st century: Building resilient education systems for increased access to inclusive, lifelong, quality and relevant learning in Africa”. The meeting will deliberate on various issues, including the adoption of the AU budget for the year 2025. The African Union Mid-Year Coordination Meeting will assess the progress of the Continental Integration Agenda and evaluates the efficiency of the harmonisation of policies between the African Union and the regional economic communities. Foreign Ministers of AU member states, senior African Union Commission officials, regional community representatives, and other dignitaries are in attendance. Opening the session on Thursday, Chairperson of the African Union Commission, Moussa Faki Mahamat said “The operationalization of the African Union Peace Fund and the adoption of the principle of financing African peacekeeping missions from perennial resources are part of a line of significant sectoral progress.”
Significant Diplomatic Successes Achieved in Safeguarding Nat'l Interests: Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Jul 18, 2024 951
Addis Ababa,July 18/2024(ENA)- Ethiopia has achieved significant diplomatic successes in safeguarding its national interests in the concluded Ethiopian fiscal year (EFY), according to Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Briefing the media on the performance of 2016 today, Foreign Affairs Spokesperson Nebiyu Tedla said Ethiopia has carried out various achievements at bilateral and multilateral arenas. During the stated period, a lot of efforts have been exerted to augment Ethiopia's cooperation with neighboring countries based on common interests. For instance, he explained that 12 agreements have been signed to forge Ethiopia's relations with neighboring countries on various spheres, including tourism and transport, among others. On the other hand, the spokesperson stated that Ethiopia has actively reflected its positions in different forums and the decisions passed have made it possible for Ethiopia to protect its national interests. Nebiyu also recalled the several visits made and agreements signed by high-ranking leaders in the fiscal year in order to strengthen Ethiopia's bilateral and multilateral diplomatic relations. More than 71 agreements have been signed that have made it possible to bring Ethiopia's national interests to a better level through visits conducted by leaders and ministers, he added. According to the spokesperson, Ethiopia's joining the BRICS is the biggest success in the multilateral diplomacy in concluded fiscal year. With respect to investment, 507 foreign investors have made a pre-investment visit, it was learned. The spokesperson said that 18 joint ventures have been created with foreign investors in the fiscal year. Moreover, diplomatic success has been registered in reducing loans, debt treatment and extension of repayment period. More than 114 market linkages were also created to promote Ethiopian products to the world. Above all, the fiscal year was the time when Ethiopia expressed its rightful request to access the sea, Nebiyu noted. He also touched on activities that have been carried out to protect the rights of citizens in the Middle East, Sudan, and other countries. Over 40,000 people were repatriated from various countries, including Saudi Arabia, Sudan, and other countries, in the stated period.    
African Union Executive Council Meeting Kicks Off in Accra, Ghana
Jul 18, 2024 989
Addis Ababa, July 18/2024 (ENA) Delegates from across the African continent are in Accra for the 45th Ordinary Session of the African Union (AU) Executive Council and the 6th mid-year coordination meetings of the AU regional economic communities. The two events will respectively take place at the Accra International Conference Center from July 18 to July 21, 2024, under the theme “Educate an African fit for the 21st century: Building resilient education systems for increased access to inclusive, lifelong, quality and relevant learning in Africa”. Opening the session today Chairperson of the African Union Commission, Moussa Faki Mahamat said “The operationalization of the African Union Peace Fund and the adoption of the principle of financing African peacekeeping missions from perennial resources are part of a line of significant sectoral progress.” The amplification of these advances could well, in time, usher in a new era of markedly reduced dependence on international partners for the demands of peace and the financing of peace support operations, he underlined. The African Union Mid-Year Coordination Meeting will assess the progress of the Continental Integration Agenda and evaluates the efficiency of the harmonisation of policies between the African Union and the regional economic communities. The meeting is also expected to reflect on the AU’s role in the upcoming G20 leaders’ summit, scheduled for November in Brazil. Participants will discuss and adopt the 55-member bloc's budget for 2025 and other issues affecting the continent.  
Ethiopia Striving to Enhance Diplomatic Successes by Providing Pre-deployment training to Its Diplomats
Jul 18, 2024 918
Addis Ababa,July 18/2024(ENA)- The Ministry of Foreign Affairs disclosed that training being provided to newly appointed ambassadors will enable them to understand the dynamics of global diplomatic circumstances and promote national interests with efficiency and determination. The State Minister of Foreign Affairs, Ambassador Bertukan Ayano, briefed the media today regarding the training being underway for newly appointed ambassadors commenced on July 11, 2024. Recalled President Sahle-Work Zewde, appointed 24 ambassadors in May this year. Pre-deployment training is being given to the newly appointed ambassadors on various agenda so as to help them effectively promote the national interests of Ethiopia. The training covers ranges of national, regional, continental and international issues with respect to Ethiopia’s national interests including economic diplomacy, Ethiopia’s role in multilateral forums, diaspora policy, media relations among other vital issues. State Minister of Foreign Affairs Birtukan Ayano said the training will enable them to serve the country with determination and efficiency. By realizing Ethiopia's preparedness in economic diplomacy, media relations and digital diplomacy are vital instruments to protect the interests of the country in the dynamics world diplomacy, she added. Moreover, she noted that newly appointed ambassadors are expected to demonstrate patriotism and acquire knowledge to promote national interests. The training covers major national, regional, and international issues and will run for two weeks.    
Ethiopian News Agency