Over 17,400 Ex-combatants Reintegrated into Society: Nat'l Rehabilitation Commission

Addis Ababa, February 3, 2025 (ENA) - More than 17,400 ex-combatants have successfully completed rehabilitation training and reintegrated into the society, according to the National Rehabilitation Commission.

The commission reviewed its half-year performance of the current Ethiopian budget year which focused on the demobilization of ex-combatants, reintegration and rehabilitation, resource mobilization and logistics management and institutional capacity building activities.

More than 17,400 ex-combatants have been reintegrated into the communities after completing their rehabilitation training in 10 permanent and temporary demobilization centers from Tigray, Afar, Amhara and Oromia regions during the first half of the current budget year, it was indicated.

Addressing the performance review, National Rehabilitation Commissioner Temesgen Tilahun said the successful commencement of the DDR program has been instrumental as effective endeavors have been carried out in terms of working in collaboration with stakeholders.

Stating that working in collaboration with Tigray, Amhara, Oromia and Afar regional state governments has been so encouraging, he added that such a trend needs to be reinforced.


Availability of funds from the government and donors was instrumental to reinforce institutional capacity and service delivery to ex-combatants during the first round of the program—fulfilling human resources, capacity building, budget utilization, logistics and management among others.

In this regard, the activities the National Rehabilitation Commission has carried out are playing significant role in forging lasting peace, the commissioner stated.

He also pointed out that the commission will continue working on resource mobilization with special priority as the demobilization and rehabilitation endeavors of ex-combatants in the country require huge resources.


Ethiopian News Agency