Adwa Victory Memorial Museum Visited by Over 31,000 People in Month - ENA English
Adwa Victory Memorial Museum Visited by Over 31,000 People in Month

Addis Ababa, April 16 /2024 (ENA) The recently inaugurated Adwa Victory Memorial Museum in Addis Ababa has become a major attraction, drawing over 31,000 visitors in its first month of operation, the General Manager disclosed.
The Adwa Victory Memorial Museum that commemorates Ethiopia's historic victory at the Battle of Adwa in 1896 was inaugurated by Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed on February 11, 2024.
The architectural design of the memorial that spans five hectares itself is a powerful symbol, reflecting the unity and sacrifice of Ethiopians from all walks of life, including farmers and women.
The entrance gates of Adwa Victory Memorial are also named as East Heroes Gate, West Heroes Gate, North Heroes Gate, South Heroes Gate, Cavalry Gate, Patriot Gate, and Pan-Africanism Gate.
Adwa Victory Memorial, which is a symbol of the freedom of Africans and all black people, was opened for public viewing on March 16, 2024.
Adwa Victory Memorial Museum General Manager, Wbayehu Mamo stated that 31,750 people have visited the memorial between March 16 and April 15, 2024.
“Recall this memorial was opened to the public on March 16, 2024. The commercial area is catering to the needs of visiting customers. In addition to the history, there are also donated spaces.”
The Adwa Victory Memorial has already welcomed dignitaries – heads of state, diplomats, and delegates attending the 37th African Union Leaders Conference held in Addis Ababa earlier this year.
"It is our duty to inform history. This is crucial for the government because it realized the memorial after 128 years. It is pivotal to transmit the spirit of the victory of Adwa to this generation in all age levels and all people from any institution should visit it. We are bringing them here and we are working to make them grow up knowing their history and knowledge.”
The memorial is well-equipped to host future African Union events, featuring a grand Pan-African Hall that can host 0ver 2,500 guests, conference rooms, restaurants, cafeterias and a children's museum.
It has modern amenities, including 1,000-vehicle parking lot, gym and others.