Measures to Combat Illegal Gold Mining, Enhancing Sector's Benefits Underway in Tigray Region

Addis Ababa, March 14/2024 (ENA) Concerted efforts are underway in Tigray region to effectively combat illegal gold mining operations and maximize the gains from the sector, the Interim Administration Land and Mines Bureau disclosed.

Over 300 youth associations are being given licenses and workplaces to produce gold in traditional way, the deputy bureau head Tesfalem Hadgu told ENA.

According to him, the youth members of the association are actively involved in prospecting activities across the 26 woredas where gold mines are found.
Tesfalem emphasized that the peace and stability in the region has provided a window of opportunity for the organized youth associations to participate in traditional gold extraction practices. 

Each association consists of  25 young individuals, and job opportunities have been created for seven thousand youth.

The official further stated that licensed associations have been granted access to up to 5,000 square meters of gold mining area in their preferred locations since the beginning of February. 

The deputy bureau head pointed out that illegal actors have exploited the region's challenges to plunder gold mines. Investigations and surveillance are underway to take legal action against these wrongdoers.

Tesfalem underscored the responsibility of the newly licensed associations to produce and market gold  through legal channels.

He further revealed that the bureau aims to exploit mineral, including gold, in a coordination with the Revenues and Trade, Agriculture and Natural Resources, and Justice and Security bureaus.  

Ethiopian News Agency