Ethio-Djibouti Legislators Discuss about Bolstering Strategic Ties

Addis Ababa December 20/2023 (ENA)  Legislators of Ethiopia and Djibouti have held fruitful discussion about further bolstering socio-economic ties and deepening regional peace and security cooperation. 

Speaking to ENA today, the House of People’s Representatives Speaker Tagesse Chafo said the points of discussion by the law makers focused on further strengthening and sustaining the  strategic partnership of the countries.


The two sides have also discussed about ways of improving bottlenecks of customs services during import-export trade through the Djibouti Port, he added.

Among the issues dealt with were maintaining joint infrastructures, including railway and road connecting the two neighboring countries, it was learned.

The speaker appreciated the people and Government of Djibouti’s cooperation in Ethiopia’s import-export trade activities through the port.  

Tagesse further underscored the need for the governments in the region to prioritize on maintaining domestic and regional peace and security in the Horn of Africa under the Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD). 

“By doing so, we will work together to further enhance and sustain our existing strategic relationship,” he said.   

Djibouti National Assembly President, Dileita Mohamed Dileita told ENA that the Ethio-Djibouti relation will further be strengthened by the leaderships of the countries and exchange visits. 


The president appreciated the warm welcome of the officials at arrival and what the Ethiopian Airlines is doing.

''As a president of the Djibouti assembly, I recognize what our brothers have done today, which is a reflection of the existing ties between the two countries," he stated.

Regarding the economic relations between the two countries, Dileita stated that Ethiopia plays a major role in Djibouti's economy. 

"We depend exclusively on Ethiopia, particularly in the import of fruit through the port of Djibouti, often once a week, and today there are even cargo planes arriving here to supply foodstuffs. In general, our economy is still dependent on the Ethiopian economy," the president noted.

According to him, Djibouti and Ethiopia are interdependent in all areas, particularly in energy and cooperation and in submarine cables that will help to strengthen relations between the two countries.

Dileita noted that various agreements had been signed between the two countries --- be they economic, political, social or border-related, and officials from both countries have been working hard to make these relations more fruitful.

"From independence to the present day, we have been fortunate enough to have a relationship of partnership; and after President Ismail came to power, our relationship took on another dimension. We stood by Ethiopia in difficult times. After the arrival of Dr. Abiy Ahmed, our relationship strengthened so rapidly that we can't imagine the number of visits President Ismail made to Ethiopia and the visits Abiy Ahmed made to Djibouti, whether within the multilateral, IGAD or bilateral framework."

After the discussion the Djibouti National Assembly and members of the House of People’s Representatives (HPR) have visited the Ethiopian Airlines. 


Ethiopian News Agency