Ethiopia Implementing Progressive Policies to Provide Sustainable Protection, Solutions For Refugees

Addis Ababa ,December 13/2023(ENA)- Ethiopia is implementing progressive policies that provide sustainable protection and solutions for refugees, Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Demeke Mekonnen said.

Speaking at the 2nd Global Refugee Forum underway in Geneva, the deputy premier noted that  Ethiopia is hosting over one million refugees who co-exist and in some cases are integrated with the host communities. 

“We are implementing progressive policies that provide sustainable protection and solutions for refugees. Despite the widening funding gap, our doors remain open for new arrivals which put an additional burden on Ethiopia,” he added. 

According to him, Ethiopia has made significant progress in fulfilling the 2019 Global Refugee Forum commitments in areas of jobs, protection, education, energy and environment. 

Reaffirming the country's longstanding solidarity of welcoming people seeking international protection, Demeke also announced Ethiopia's new pledge in line with the objective of the forum. 

Among the six new pledges he enlisted are: Recommitment to address the adverse impact of climate change by planting seedlings and providing alternative energy sources; transform refugees to come into urban settlements; and commitment to further integrate refugees into coexisting national systems of statistics, national IDs, protection from gender based violence, inclusion, education and training.

In addition, the country will create an enabling environment for more investment in the refugee hosting regions; expand provision of land and irrigation schemes to refugees; and accelerate digital connectivity and access to documentation.

The deputy prime minister called on all to “work together to enhance refugees self-reliance and host communities resilience by providing sufficient financial support that meets the current challenge.” 

The international community should respond to the needs of refugees with a sense of urgency and partnership, Demeke noted, stressing that the forum should galvanize a stronger global cooperation with a renewed spirit of partnership.


Ethiopian News Agency