Ethiopia's Potential Mineral Resources Foundation to Prosperity: PM Abiy

Addis Ababa, November 24/2023 (ENA) Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed said the potential mineral resources of Ethiopia are the foundation to its path of prosperity. 

The premier made the remark while opening the Second Annual Mining and Technology Expo  in Addis Ababa today. 

According to him, Ethiopia, unlike other African countries, is a country endowed with immense mineral resources.

Mineral resources are instrumental in not only strengthening the country’s import substitution efforts but also supporting agriculture, industry and other development sectors, he stated. 

The sector is also a major source of foreign currency. 

The expo clearly depicts that Ethiopia is endowed with gold, precious stones, and other minerals with different names, he noted. 

The PM urged researchers, business-persons, and other actors to engage in the development of Ethiopia’s mineral resources in such a manner as to accelerate the nation’s overall economy.

The expo plays critical role in properly understanding, developing and utilizing the sector adequately, and building foundation to the path of prosperity, he said.

The Mining and Technology Expo is believed to showcase Ethiopia's mining potential and stimulate investment in the sector.

Mining is one of the five priorities of the government in its Homegrown Economic Reform Agenda. It is, therefore, necessary to promote the sector and benefit the country.

The five-day expo aims at promoting the sector by attracting investors in mining and technology providers.

 At opening of the expo organized by Ministry of Mines were National Intelligence and Security Service Director-General Temesgen Tiruneh, House of Federation Speaker Agegnehu Teshager, Chief Regional Administrators, and senior government officials. 



Ethiopian News Agency