Int'l Women’s Peace Group Keen to Empower, Bring About Women Peace Leaders in Ethiopia

Addis Ababa, July 21/2023 (ENA)፡- The International Women’s Peace Group Global (IWPG) expressed readiness to support, empower women and women peace leaders in Ethiopia.  

In an exclusive interview with ENA, IWPG Regional Director Seo-yeon Lee said that the Group’s engagement in Ethiopia had halted due to the COVID 19 pandemic but it is now ready to pursue what has already been started.

IWPG seeks to discover female peace leaders who have cultivated the spirit of peace through various peace projects centering on women in each country, Seo-yeon Lee said, and added “it  strives to build peace leadership capacity on these women.”

“We plan to launch peace committees in all IWPG regions centered on leaders nurtured through women’s peace education to spread awareness of a culture of peace in each region centered on the peace committees. We plan to confirm it as a branch in charge of establishing a culture of peace,” she elaborated.

The Director emphasized spread of peace culture refers to all activities to spread peace in each community, such as the IWPG International Loving Peace Art Competition event.

According to her, IWPG International Loving Peace Art Competition was held for the 4th time in Ethiopia this year in collaboration with the Addis Ababa City Administration Education Bureau. 

Recalling that IWPG had discussions with pertinent officials about ways to support and empower women in Ethiopia, Director Seo-yeon Lee noted “we are ready to actively engage in areas to support and empower our Ethiopian sisters.”

She stressed that if given the opportunity, women-who shoulder the world’s heavy burden, can bring a tremendous change in ensuring global peace.

Moreover, Seo-yeon Lee underscored “we will support the Ethiopian government’s effort towards gender equality and women empowerment.”

IWPG is an NGO with Special Consultative Status of the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations (ECOSOC) carries out its peace activities in solidarity with 111 branches and 560 cooperative organizations in 118 countries around the world.


Ethiopian News Agency