ENDF is Political Bias Free Nat’l Army Serving Ethiopia: Commander of Commando, Airborne Forces

Addis Ababa May 28/2023(ENA):- Ethiopian National Defense Force (ENDF) Commander  of Commando and Air Force command Lt. Gen. Shuma Abdeta said the national defense force is a political-bias-free army serving the people and the country.  


Residents of Koye Feche Subcity in Sheger City Administration of the Oromia region held a rally in support of the national defense force. 

Residents, Aba Gedas, mothers, religious fathers and other sections of the society participated in the rally.

The demonstrators who marched to the streets chanted and showed placards with different messages said the national army is a symbol of our Ethiopianess and stop tarnishing its image to satisfy lust for power.   

ENDF’s Commando and Air force Commander, Lt. Gen. Shuma Abdeta, who was the guest of honor on the occasion, said the national defense force is a political bias free and heroic army serving the people and the country.

Stating that our forefathers maintained Ethiopia with strong foundation by their heavy sacrifices, the commander affirmed that the current army is ready to make sacrifices for the honor of the country.  

Therefore, Shuma stressed that the national defense force will not tolerate those who challenge the existence of the country and the people in any way. 

Sheger City Administration Mayor, Teshome Adugna said the aim of the rally is to give recognition for the sacrifices being paid by the army in order to create a strong country and to show that we are always by its side.


He also emphasized that the army deserves great respect for the sacrifices it makes to create a strong country. 

“Religious extremism, political extremism, and identity extremism are obstacles to peace and development. Therefore, it is to express our respect and solidarity for the army, which sacrifices for the country and the people, by showing that we will fight against extremists together.”  

Among the participants of the support rally, Ifa Dady told ENA that apart from thanking to “our army, we have gone to the public to confirm that we are always by its side.” 

Meanwhile, ENDF’s Commando and Air force Command Comander, Lt. Gen. Shuma has received a gift from the Sheger City Administration for ENDF.  





Ethiopian News Agency