Residents in Various Parts of Ethiopia Rally in Support of Ethiopian National Defense Forces

Addis Ababa May 28/2023(ENA):- Ethiopians reside in various parts of the country have held demonstrations in support of the Ethiopian National Defense Forces (ENDF) today.

The demonstrators have expressed their commitment to support the Ethiopian National Defense Forces (ENDF) by fighting violent extremism.

The rally took place today in Hawassa, Hadiya and Gamo zones, Adama, Robe, Jimma, West Wollega and West Arsi zons, Negelle Borena, Metu Chiro, Misrak Harerge zone, Wolayta, Gedeo and South Omo Zones and Assosa among others. 


The demonstrators chanted slogans including “Our unity shall not be disrupted by extremists, we shall cement Ethiopia by joining the defense force of Ethiopia." 

 “We will strengthen our unity by fighting extremism”, “Our peace will be protected by our unity”, “Hands off our diversified defense forces”, among other slogans were displayed at the rallies in various parts of the nation. 



Ethiopian News Agency