Ethiopia Launches Long-Term Low-Emission Development Strategy 

Addis Ababa, May 3/2023 (ENA)The government of Ethiopia officially launched today its Long Term Low Emission Development Strategy (LT-LEDS) in the presence of senior federal and regional government officials, key development partners, funding agencies, diplomatic corps, and climate change advocates and other invited guests.

This was disclosed at a high-level launching ceremony, which is being underway at Friendship Park.

Ethiopia's LT-LEDS has been developed in tune with the Paris Agreement on Climate Change adopted in 2015 which encouraged countries to provide an LT-LEDS, a roadmap for long-term decarbonization to limit the global temperature increase to 1.5 degrees Celsius temperature.

Accordingly, the country's revised and most ambitious National Determined Contributions to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change, UNFCCC, aims at an emission reduction target of 68.8 percent by 2030.

The overarching objective of Ethiopia's LT-LEDS strategy is to help the government of Ethiopia to pursue a green growth pathway by keeping its carbon emissions target to net zero by 2050 entailing an increased climate resilience and delivery of multiple economic and social benefits.

In his opening remarks, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs, Demeke Mekonnen said climate change negatively affects the livelihood of the people.


The multiple challenges including drought, flood, and other calamities witnessed over the years are due to the impact of climate change.

He added that Ethiopia is implementing various green economy activities to withstand the challenges.

The deputy prime minister and foreign minister said the efforts being underway to expand green diplomacy and launch in neighboring countries will continue at the continent level.

He stressed that it’s high time to come together and exert maximum efforts to overcome the challenges and called on partners to support Ethiopia’s initiative.


Ethiopian News Agency