Ethiopia Enjoying Much Better Peace, Stability than Six Months Ago

Addis Ababa March 28/2023 (ENA)  Ethiopia is currently enjoying a much better peace and stability than six months ago, Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed told members of the House of People's Representatives.

Responding to the many questions related to peace and instability raised at the 11th regular session of the House of People's Representative today, Abiy said, though relative, the peace in Ethiopia has now largely improved, particularly in the past eight months.  

The end of the war in the north is one big steps to the improvement of peace in Ethiopia, he stated, adding that more efforts are needed to ensure complete peace in the country and that requires strong collaboration of the government and the people of Ethiopia.

According to the premier, it would be naive to expect complete peace right after the end of the war as the post-war situations could not be healed immediately.

Noting the destructive activities of some actors challenging the peace efforts in the country, he said that there are people who deliberately instigate conflict and instill instability in the minds of the people by fabrication.

The premier pointed out that there is an old political attitude that has been in practice for over 50 and 60 years which is intrinsically related with conspiracy and violence instead of dialogue.

He also criticized media outlets that instigate conflict and advised the audience to be selective. 

“We strongly believe that peace is very important. Peace requires bravery just like war. Peace cannot be realized without efforts. Positive peace cannot be attained with force. Since saving the life of one person is also about peace, we have to work in line with this motive,” the PM stressed.


Ethiopian News Agency