PM Abiy, President Sahilework Clean Streets in Addis


Addis Ababa April 14/2019 Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed and President Slahilework Zewudie today participated in cleaning-up campaign through sweeping their respective environments.

Last Friday Premier Abiy has called residents for clean-up campaign to keep their localities free from rubbish.

The campaign has launched to build clean and green urban areas in Ethiopia that can bring opportunity for the communities.

At the campaign held this Sunday morning, Prime Minsiter Abiy Ahmed has deliberated speech that cleaning mind from the thoughts of hatred, racism is crucial while cleaning the environment.

He also said that the cleaning campaign would help to promote and preach positive attitude among the people.

On its massage the Prime Minister Office deliberated to the public indicated that cleaning the environment is crucial to have healthy and happy life ahead.

It also indicated everyone should strive to clean to make its environment a better place to live.

Government senior officials, artists and other public figures have participated on the cleaning campaign.

Earlier on March, Office of the Prime Minister has launched a global crow-funding campaign to make the capital Addis Ababa clean and green, it was learned.

The green initiative is believed to prove transformative for Addis Ababa, where the city has a massive diplomatic presence and is home to both the headquarters of the African Union and the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa. 

Cities in Ethiopia could become centers of science, innovation and create employment opportunities, if managed properly.

The cleaning initiative of the government would help move to create jobs and reduce the effects of climate change through developing green and graceful cities.

Ethiopian News Agency