African Leaders to Take Significant Steps in Formalizing Reform Agendas

Addis Ababa February 08/2019 The 32nd African Union Heads of State and government summit will take significant steps towards formalizing the reform agenda of the union, according to Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MoFA).

In 2016, African leaders decided that institutional reforms of the African Union (AU) was urgent and necessary given the role the AU is expected to play in driving and achieving Africa’s Agenda 2063 vision of inclusive economic growth and development.

In an exclusive interview with ENA Spokesperson of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Nebiyat Getachew, said among the list of items on table for discussion, the reform agenda of the union is the main one.  

Continental Priorities (political affairs, peace & security, economic integration and Africa’s global voice), institutional realignment, connect with Africans, operational effectiveness and efficiency, and Sustainable Financing, are among the AU reform areas. 

Last December, Rwandan President Paul Kagami- the mastermind of the reform document- said: “We are very much on course and the end is insight.”

Close to 55 million USD has been collected so far in the form of the import levies from member states since 2016, according to Reform Implementation Unit.

The 32nd summit is targeted to define the structure of most the reform agendas of the African Union, according to the Spokesperson.

“It will take significant steps towards formalizing the reform agenda that the union has been undergoing for the last couple of years”, Nebiyat noted.

According to the projection, to minimize financial dependence on donors, the commission hopes to collect an additional 40 million USD by 2020.

One of the highlights of the 32nd session will be the inaugural of the statue of his Majesty Emperor Hailesilassie I. It will be inaugurated by Heads of State including PM Abiy Ahmed.

The heads of states will also pay tribute to his immense contribution for the continent particularly on the establishment of the former organization of the African of unity, Nebiyat stated.

Nebiyat pointed out that Ethiopia is well prepared to host its guests as usual and is expecting more than 40 heads of state from different African countries on top of several dignitaries including the Secretary General of the UN.

“Refugees, Returnees and Internally Displaced Persons: Towards Durable Solutions to Forced Displacement in Africa” is the theme that will be at the center of discussions during the 32nd Assembly of Heads of State and Government of the African Union (AU).

Ethiopian News Agency