Premier Stresses Need for More Small Dams to Intensify Irrigation Development, Electricity

Addis Ababa January 31/2023 /ENA/ Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed underscored the need for intensifying irrigation development and expanding the option of electricity through small dams.

The Council of Ministers has evaluated its half-year budget performance at Halala Kela, which is part of the Dine for the Nation project.

During the discussion, he observed that the results registered in the main macroeconomic indicators are promising and should be strengthened for the development of Ethiopia.

With this, the energy sector, including irrigation development, export trade, and the development works started in the mining and energy sector are encouraging, he stated.

The macroeconomic performance of the first six months of the Ethiopian fiscal year indicates that the annual economic growth of the country is expected to be 7.5 percent.

Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed, who set work guidelines and direction, said that development activities started in all sectors are encouraging and should further be consolidated.

The premier stated that the performance of Ministry of Water and Energy has shown satisfactory results, adding that strengthening irrigation development and the option of electricity with small dams should in particular be given attention.

He also pointed out that fulfilling the demand for drinking water of citizens to the required extent and doing better work should be the direction of further attention.

The premier recalled that Ministry of Irrigation and Lowlands has played outstanding role in irrigation by installing 48,000 water pumps in six months. He emphasized that this should be sustained.

Besides supporting irrigation projects to be completed on time, focus should be given to building small irrigation dams in different areas, according to Abiy.

Controlling illegally exported minerals and working to substitute imported construction materials in the country must be the next areas of focus, he pointed out.

The PM, who recalled that Ministry of Trade and Regional Cooperation played an important role in the growth of the economy in the last six months, said the ministry should work next to create a stable economy by controlling inflation.

According to him, it is also necessary to solve the various bottlenecks observed in the trade chain by controlling illegal trade and smuggling.

The premier disclosed that job opportunities have been created for 1.5 million citizens during the stated period, but more works are needed in the future.

Ethiopian News Agency