Peace Agreement Demonstrate Africans Can Solve Problems Through Discussion: Military Attachés

Addis Ababa January 29/2023/ENA/ The Pretoria peace agreement signed between the federal government of Ethiopia and TPLF is a sign that Africans can resolve conflicts by themselves through peaceful discussion, according to military attachés residing in Addis Ababa.

Ethiopian National Defense Force (ENDF) International Relations and Military Cooperation Director-General, Major General Teshome Gemechu briefed military attachés of different embassies residing in Addis Ababa about the implementation and progress of the peace agreement.

In an exclusive interview with ENA, South African Defense Attaché Colonel Goodman Hokwana emphasized the importance of implementing the agreements that were taken out of the meeting of the commanders in Nairobi.

Colonel Hokwana noted that the peace agreement marks a very important impetus to permanently cease the conflict in northern part of Ethiopia.

The stand that have been taken to put down the guns and focus on the economic development of the country is a very important step, the colonel added.

Furthermore, he underscored “I think Ethiopia became an example to say as Ethiopians we want to sit down and talk. \

And I think that should be significant and it(Ethiopia) should talk a lot to other countries that are faced with same problems.

”Nigerian Defense Attaché, Colonel Rufai Umar Mairiga said on his part that building trust and confidence between TPLF and the federal government is crucial for the steadfast implementation of the peace deal.

“This is a sign that Africans can solve their problems. If you look there are no foreign troops there, it is only the TPLF and the government and they have agreed. So it is possible through discussion.

Africans can solve their problems through discussion,” Colonel Mairiga stressed.

Ethiopian News Agency