Ethiopian Climate Change Working Group Launched

Addis Ababa January 27/2023/ENA/Ethiopian Climate Change Working Group that aims to support green initiatives in the country by providing up-to-date scientific recommendations to policymakers and legislators about climate change, greenhouse gas emissions and carbon markets was launched yesterday.

Speaking at the launching ceremony, Ethiopian Climate Change Working Group (ECCWG) Chair, Feleke Zewge, said the small group of professionals and experts is interested in climate change and environmental sustainability research.

According to him, there are a number of good initiatives by the Government of Ethiopia in terms of mitigation and adaptation.

The aim of the group is to organize knowledge base, compile the evidence so far and come up with feasible solutions to guide existing initiatives as well to come up with more new innovative ideas.

As ECCWG, our focus is helping the national government initiatives on adaptation measures that have been underway, the group chair said, adding that the objective of the group is to assist the ongoing initiatives in terms of capacity building and research.

UP until now, Ethiopia has not fully utilized the climate finance funding mechanisms globally, Feleke said, adding that we therefore need to organize at national level to access the funding.

He believes that ECCWG will create a powerful, inclusive, and trusting network of Ethiopian organizations that will work together to meet the global goals in the Paris Climate Agreement.

Speaking at the event, Ethiopian Environmental Protection Authority Multilateral Environmental Agreements Director, Mensur Dessie, said despite its negligible contribution to global warming, Ethiopia is strongly affected by the consequences of climate change that affect its environment, agriculture, water, food and energy production.

The government is keen to partner with all stakeholders interested in cooperating with Ethiopia in this regard, he added.

The director further stated that the climate change working group is commendable as it contributes to the national agenda of building adaptation and resilience.

Ethiopian News Agency