Recognition Program for 52 Ethiopian Diaspora Organizations Underway

Addis Ababa January 26/2023 /ENA/The first Ethiopian Diaspora Organizations Recognition Program is underway in Addis Ababa in the presence of Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Affairs Minister Demeke Mekonnen, President Sahle-Work Zewde and other high ranking government officials.

Some 52 Ethiopian Diaspora organizations is receiving commendation for their contributions to the national calls that have been made on various occasions.

The recognition program is aimed at encouraging and expressing gratitude to the diaspora community for their contribution in various activities, including public diplomacy, image building and resource mobilization, among others.

The diaspora organizations have been contributing significantly towards safeguarding the national interest as well as economic and social development.

They also expressed their commitment to working to increase the role of the diaspora in national development.

The Ethiopian Diaspora and friends of Ethiopia across the globe in general and Africans in particular have been playing a crucial role in reversing the unwarranted and well-coordinated pressure on Ethiopia on several occasions.

It is to be recalled Ethiopian across the world has organized international rallies in 27 cities globally to express their unity in defense of Ethiopian sovereignty under the slogan, 'NoMore' meddling, lies, disinformation, sanctions on Ethiopia and Horn of Africa.

Ethiopian News Agency