Ethiopia's Green Legacy Aligns with Belt and Road Initiative: ENA

Addis Ababa (ENA) December 20/2022 Ethiopia’s Green Legacy Campaign is well aligned with the Belt and Road Initiative that fosters joint ties, the Ethiopian News Agency (ENA) said.

ENA has also stated that Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed deserves recognition for his efforts to integrate the region with green development.

The Ethiopian News Agency participated in the second Belt and Road News Network Council Virtual Meeting where news agencies from 23 countries took part.

The role of Belt and Road Initiative in strengthening the people-to-people relationship among countries was discussed during the meeting.

It is to be recalled that Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed was awarded the ‘Outstanding African Leadership Award’ in recognition of the Green Legacy Initiative, in a special event that was held last week in Washington D.C.,USA under the theme “Africa: The Urgency of a Global Mobilization” organized by the American Academy of Achievement and the Global Hope Coalition .

 ENA Chief Executive Officer, Seife Deribe said that Ethiopia’s Green Legacy is vital in fostering regional integration.  

Noting that over 25 billion tree seedlings have been planted in the past four years, he urged the council to promote  Premier Abiy’s efforts in this regard.

Ethiopia’s commitment to averting climate change is in line with one of the Belt and Road’s pillars, Seife stated, and added that Ethio-Djibouti Railway (EDR) is a clear de manifestation in this regard.

With more than 38 branches across the country, Ethiopian News Agency disseminates news and news related stories in local and foreign languages including English, Arabic, and French.

ENA recently signed a memorandum of understanding with Sputnik News Agency of Russia to further scale up its services in the region and the continent at large.

The CEO indicated that the agency will soon sign similar agreements with Xinhua News Agency of China and Emirates News Agency.

Belt and Road News Network (BRNN) Chairperson and  Deputy Editor-in-Chief of People's Daily, Fang Jiangshan stated that members of the council need to further strengthen cooperation.

He also stressed the need to give coverage to developmental activities and areas that enhance people-to-people relations.

Jiangshan further pointed out the importance of developing the spirit of cooperation among members of the council under the Belt and Road initiative by taking their relationships to a new level.

The BRNN is launched to collaborate with the media and tell better stories relating to Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), ultimately  promoting high-quality cooperation under the BRI.

It is noted that Chinese President Xi Jinping launched the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) in 2013, with the aim of improving regional integration, increasing trade and stimulating economic growth.

Ethiopian News Agency