Inhabitants of Major Cities in Tigray Say Breathing Air of Peace

Addis Ababa (ENA) November 26/2022 Residents of Axum, Adwa and Shire cities told ENA that the people of Tigray have started to breathe the air of peace and called on every citizen to play their part for the implementation of the peace agreement.

The residents said they are very happy with the peace agreement reached between the Ethiopian government and the TPLF after a two-year long conflict. 

Following the peace deal, they noted that the agreement has brought about relief and hope in ensuring lasting peace in northern Ethiopia.

Now the youth who could not go to school have started dreaming of a better tomorrow and mothers are waiting for their children to come back from the war fronts. 

According to the residents of Shire, Axum and Adwa cities, the peace agreement is a victory for all Ethiopians. 

The war has destroyed lives and property, and Ethiopia should not face more problems, the inhabitants stated. 

We Ethiopian are brothers; and now is the time to show that we are united to solve our problems peacefully, they underscored. 

The people of Tigray are tired of war, the residents said, adding that all Ethiopians are beneficiaries of the peace agreement. 

They, therefore, called on every citizen to work with determination for the implementation of the peace agreement so that they can return to their normal lives.

Ethiopian News Agency