AU Becoming Stronger and Stronger in Defending African Sovereignty, Says American Journalist

Addis Ababa November 11/2022 /ENA/ The Africa Union (AU) has become stronger in defending African sovereignty by promoting African solutions to African problems, the independent American journalist Ann Garrison said.

It is to be recalled that the Government of Ethiopia and TPLF have signed a peace agreement last week after the peace talks conducted under the auspices of the African Union.

A contributing editor at Black Agenda and producer for the listener funded Pacifica Radio; Ann Garrison told ENA today that the Africa Union has become stronger and stronger in defending African sovereignty.

Appreciating the efforts of the AU to bring a peaceful solution to the conflict in northern  Ethiopia, the American journalist described the peace agreement reached between the government and TPLF as a great achievement for African solution to African problems.  

“I think the AU has been admirable from the very beginning in defending African solutions to African problems. They never wavered. The current African members in the UN Security Council were also faithful in defending Ethiopian sovereignty throughout the past two years.”

Also “the African Union several times spoke to the Security Council in defense of African solutions to African problems and Ethiopia’s sovereignty. I have seen the African Union becoming stronger and stronger in defending African sovereignty over some years.”

The journalist stressed the need for the African Union to be self-sufficient in terms of finance in its efforts to address African problems without any external influences.

“I know there is some discussion about finding a way to get the African Union away from its western financial support as it gets significant amount of financial support from the West and therefore influence. But there is a discussion about getting away from that and it is a great idea.”

Garrison also noted that the peace agreement will help Ethiopia to overcome foreign pressures, citing the bills of sanctions against Ethiopia by US officials. Since the peace agreement has been negotiated, “it is unlikely that these bills will pass.”

According to the American journalist, Ethiopia has done a great job in this whole process in defending its sovereignty noting that the peace agreement is a great exercise to the nation’s sovereignty.

“I am glad that Ethiopia is taking the issues of accountability and justice into its own hands. This is Ethiopians agreement that is also being implemented by Ethiopians themselves.”

The peace agreement will pave ways for Ethiopia to properly utilize its resources for economic development, she noted, adding that wars consume a great deal of national wealth.   

“I am really sad about how much Ethiopia has lost into this war. Wars are very expensive. I remember a hearing by the chair of the National Dialogue Commission speaking on one of your broadcast outlets. He said we are losing everything to this war. Our resources and our young people. That the war is over is great. But there has been terrific loss.”

Garrison pointed out that the government needs to solicit international resources for the construction and rehabilitation of war torn areas as part of the peace deal taking into account the sovereignty and national integrity of the country.

Ethiopian News Agency