Ethiopia Celebrates National Flag Day

October 17/2022 / ( ENA)  The 15th National Flag day has been observed in Ethiopia today in the presence of President Sahle-Work Zewde under the theme: “Our Flag A Demonstration of Our Diversity, Pillar of Our Sovereignty!” in a ceremony held at the House of Peoples’ Representatives.

During the occasion, the president has said that Flag for Ethiopians is symbol of freedom, patriotism and invincible.

She also stated that Flag is a manifestation of freedom and sovereignty that differentiate one country from the others stressing the need for all Ethiopians to make use Ethiopia's Flag as an emblem of listening to one another, discussion and unity.

In its press statement issued in connection with the flag, the Government Communication Service said "A flag is a national symbol. Heroes sacrificed with this emblem. They won on the world arena. This flag has left an indelible seal in the heart of Ethiopians from children to adults.”

Ethiopia is the mother of gallant children, who have fought for her sovereignty and unity through the ages, the statement indicated.

The near and far enemies have gone as far as they can to disintegrate Ethiopia in collaboration with internal bandits of terrorists, the statement said, adding, however, with the blood and strength of her children, their wishes remained a nightmare.

In particular, our national defense forces and regional security forces defeated the terrorists who waged war against our country; they saved their country from destruction honoring Ethiopia's   flag with their blood.

The nations have also been registering encouraging development achievements by defending the sovereignty of the country.  

The statement said that Ethiopia is producing more agricultural products than ever before and has thwarted the ill intentions of her enemies by realizing national projects including the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD) to a higher stage and finalizing others.

“With this, the honor of our country and our flag has been raised,” it indicated.

When the people and government of Ethiopia are intensifying their development activities parallel with defending the war that has been waged against the nation, our renowned athletes have declared the victory of their country to friends and enemies alike. They waved our flag high and become the pride of Africa too, the statement added.

Similarly, the 15th National Flag day has also been celebrated in various regional states and government institutions.

Ethiopian News Agency