China-Africa Cooperation Adds Fresh Impetus to Global Dev’t: Chinese Foreign Minister

Addis Ababa August 20/2022/ENA/ Chinese State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi said that the fruitful China-Africa cooperation will add fresh impetus to global development.

In its press release sent to ENA, China’s Embassy in Addis Ababa said Foreign Minister Wang hosted the coordinators’ meeting on the implementation of the follow-up actions of the Eighth Ministerial Conference of the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation (FOCAC) in virtual format.

Ethiopian Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs Demeke Mekonnen delivered a speech during the Webinar meeting, the press release pointed out.  

During the meeting, both the Chinese and African sides highly acclaimed the outcomes of the Eighth FOCAC Ministerial Conference held in Dakar last year, and applauded “the spirit of China-Africa friendship and cooperation, ” it was indicated.

And it was further stated that the building of a China-Africa community with a shared future in the new era as put forward by Chinese President Xi Jinping, and the Nine Programs of China-Africa cooperation which he announced.

Speaking at the occasion, Chinese State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi said that despite the evolving international situation, rising global challenges and repeated external disturbances, China and Africa have stayed course in enhancing solidarity and focusing on cooperation.

“The fruitful China-Africa cooperation will add fresh impetus to global development, generate positive energy for world stability, and bring new hopes to people around the world. China is confident that China-Africa friendship will stand any test of winds and storms,” Wang emphasized.

According to him, “the China-Africa cooperation will continue to be the backbone in South-South cooperation and a fine example in international relations.”

Both sides had jointly implemented the outcomes with good progress, which brought tangible benefits to the African people, the minister indicated.

Wang proposed the two sides should uphold the principle of sincerity, real results, amity and good faith, and strengthen unity and mutual assistance.

China is ready to work with Africa to carry forward the five principles of peaceful coexistence, practice true multilateralism and jointly safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of developing countries, he underscored.

State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi also urged both sides to be committed to common development.

In this regard, the minister pledged China will continue to take an active role in Africa’s major infrastructure construction, continue to increase imports from Africa, support the growth of Africa’s agriculture and manufacturing industries, and expand cooperation in emerging industries.

As regards improving food self-sufficiency, the minister said: “To help address food shortage in Africa, the Chinese government has decided to provide, within this year, a new tranche of food assistance to the 17 African countries in need, and will encourage more Chinese firms to invest in agricultural production and processing in Africa."

He also proposed both sides should be committed to independence and jointly promote regional peace.

China will continue to support African solutions to African issues, oppose external interference in the internal affairs of African countries, and oppose creating confrontations and conflicts in Africa, Wang reaffirmed.  

The minister also stressed the need to uphold traditional friendship and promote people-to-people exchanges between China and Africa.

China is ready to overcome difficulties caused by the pandemic and help African students who previously studied in China to return. China supports think tanks, media, non-governmental organizations, youth and women of both sides to strengthen exchanges and cooperation.

Both sides should adhere to openness and win-win cooperation to promote the sound development of international cooperation with Africa, he noted.

Also, the two sides have reaffirmed their unwavering support to each other in upholding territorial integrity, sovereignty, security and development interests, and reaffirm that there is but one China in the world.

Ethiopian News Agency