Ethiopia Plants over 5 Billion Seedlings in Rainy Season: Green Legacy Technical Committee

Addis Ababa July 26/2022 /ENA/ More than 5 billion seedlings have been planted in this 4th round ongoing Green Legacy campaign underway this rainy season, the National Green Legacy Program Technical Committee revealed.

The plan for this round launched in June last month is to plant 6 billion trees in the rainy season.

National Green Legacy Program Technical Committee Coordinator, Adefris Worku told ENA that the program is successful so far and it is going as per the plan.

He said priorities have been given for indigenous plants and species that could be pivotal for forest development.  

The Green Legacy Program is key to boosting forestry, the coordinator stated, adding that it is also undertaken with economic benefits in mind, Adefris elaborated.

According to the coordinator, 52 percent of the total seedlings to be planted in the season are  edible fruits and spices.

Ethiopia has been working to meet the goal of planting 20 billion seedlings in four years since 2018.

Ethiopian News Agency