Int’l Community Needs to Increase Support to Conflict Affected Amhara, Afar Regions: Italian journalist

Addis Ababa July 22/2022/ENA/ A lot of support is needed from humanitarian organizations as assistance from the government is not enough to people affected by the conflict in Amhara and Afar regions of Ethiopia, Italian journalist Francesca Ronchin said.

The independent TV and print journalist who focuses on migration has visited recently areas affected by war in Amhara and Afar regions.

Although the government is trying to provide humanitarian assistance to the affected people, it is not enough, the journalist shared her assessment about the situation on the ground.

She told ENA that the affected really need a lot of help from humanitarian organizations. It is really painful.

“It is necessary to have aid from the international community,” Ronchin stated, adding that “but the international community so far has been focusing a lot on the Tigray region. I think there are 96 humanitarian organizations and associations providing aid to the region.”

According to her, Tigray region is also a region that has many needs. But most of the organizations that are trying to help affected people are focusing too much on the region.

“The number of humanitarian organizations that are providing aid to Amhara and Afar regions is really small. And the government cannot fill the gap. I think more help is needed or better distribution helpful for people affected in the country,” she underscored.

Moreover, “I have been very touched seeing many health facilities affected by the war and invasion of the rebels (TPLF) in both Amhara and Afar regions.”

The journalist lamented that “it’s very painful the health facilities are not working 100 percent and not even 50 percent of their capacity.”

It is to be recalled that the terrorist TPLF had invaded the Amhara and Afar regional states and committed unimaginable atrocities on civilians and public services as well as infrastructures, including schools and health facilities.

Ronchin noted that it will take a lot of money and resources to go back to normal.

“The doctors and physicians as well as hospital administrators all told me that the money and aid that they are receiving are really not enough.”

Furthermore, the journalist stated that she saw and spoke to stories of child soldiers from Tigray region during her visit to Afar region.

“When I was visited Afar region, I was touched by the stories of some child soldiers. I met many of them, both girls and boys. They told me how they have been forced to fight. They didn’t have any training at all. They went to war and didn't even know what they were basically doing. Their stories were really painful.”

If they refuse to go to war, they said their parents would be imprisoned or won't be given any services from the rebel administrators.

Ethiopian News Agency