Reform Created Conducive Conditions for Increased French Economic Presence in Ethiopia: Ambassador - ENA English
Reform Created Conducive Conditions for Increased French Economic Presence in Ethiopia: Ambassador
June 29, 2022 (ENA) Ethiopia’s reform agenda has created conducive conditions for increased French economic presence in Ethiopia, according to Ethiopia’s Ambassador to France.
In his opening speech to the Ethiopia-France Trade and Investment Forum that brought together nearly 60 Ethiopian and French companies and government institutions in Paris, France, Ambassador Henok Teffera stated that the political developments created after the reform have led to increased French economic presence.
As a result new actors such as Canal + in 2021 with an investment of over 70 million euros in the creative industries and the Soufflet Group, with barley production engaging over 50,000 Ethiopian farmers and an outlay of 50 million euros alongside historical economic actors such as Total Energies have appeared, he added.
According to the ambassador, the political relations of the two countries have been qualitatively and quantitatively scaled up with the coming to power of Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed in 2018.
Speaking about the political situation in Ethiopia, Ambassador Henok asserted that the recent conflict in Tigray region of Ethiopia was initially triggered by the Tigray People’s Liberation Front (TPLF) that has governed the country for the last 30 years.
It waged a war against Ethiopia, though its plan failed thanks to Ethiopians who rallied to save their country and ensure the continuation of the reforms, he added.
In this regard, the ambassador also mentioned that the government has declared a unilateral ceasefire in order to show its commitment to peace in addition to taking the necessary actions to ensure peace in the country.