Green Legacy Excellent, Much Appreciated Initiative: UN OCHA Ethiopia Head

June 25, 2022 (ENA) The Ethiopian Green Legacy is an excellent and much appreciated initiative, United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (UN-OCHA) Ethiopia Head, Michel Saad, said.

In an exclusive interview with the Ethiopian News Agency, he added that "tree planting will help reduce climate shocks in Ethiopia."

Since the country is in the Horn of Africa, it is always in front of every climate change. The Green Legacy is therefore an excellent and much appreciated initiative, the head noted.

According to the head, this initiative allows not only Ethiopia but also other countries to have a temperate climate. Hence it is necessary to cooperate in this encouraging initiative.

During the spread of COVID-19, everyone realized that the pandemic knows no borders, Saad stated, adding that likewise climate change is a problem suffered by all. He warned that no one is immune to the vagaries of the weather in the years to come. The danger is for all of us.

"Hence we need to have common goals so that we can ensure that future generations will look as good as possible at a better space."

It is worth recalling that the fourth round of Ethiopia's Green Legacy Campaign began at Gulele Botanical Garden in Addis Ababa in the presence of Prime Minister Abiy.

Ethiopia has finalized preparations to plant 6 billion of trees this rainy season.

In a recent statement, the PM said Ethiopia would achieve its fixed four-year plan of planting 20 billion trees by 2022.

Ethiopian News Agency