PM Abiy Attending BRICS - Plus High-Level Dialogue on Global Development

Addis Ababa June 24/2022/ENA/ Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed is attending the BRICS - Plus High-Level Dialogue on Global Development hosted by President Xi Jinping of China.

The dialogue under the theme of "Fostering a Global Development Partnership for the New Era to Jointly Implement the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development" started in virtual format today.

The premier wrote in his FaceBook: “Pleased to attend the BRICS - Plus High-Level Dialogue on Global Development hosted by President Xi Jinping of China. Such platforms followed by collective actions contribute greatly to addressing the multifaceted challenges we are faced with as a global community.”

The dialogue is being held by BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa) leaders and leaders of relevant emerging markets and developing countries.

Ethiopian News Agency