Gov’t Says TPLF Preventing Aid Flights From Landing at Mekelle Airport

June 23, 2022 (ENA) The terrorist TPLF group has prevented aid planes from landing at Mekelle Airport, Government Communication Service disclosed today.

The government of Ethiopia in collaboration with international partners has been working on providing the necessary humanitarian assistance to the people of Tigray through air and road transport, Government Communication Services said.

However, the terrorist group has repeatedly tried to disrupt the flow of humanitarian aid into the region in order to discredit the government's efforts through its fabricated propaganda.

The group by blocking the humanitarian aid from reaching the people of Tigray through road and opening attacks on the humanitarian aid passage corridors, it has shown that it does not care about the people of Tigray but had continued to fan  its mendacious propaganda, the statement noted.

The international community has repeatedly appreciated  the government’s efforts on allowing unfettered humanitarian access by overcoming the deliberate obstruction of smooth flow of food   by the terrorist group into the region, it stated.

However, the terrorist group has obstructed the flight to Mekele Airport carrying medical supplies and nutritious food for children availed by the government, Government Communication Service disclosed.  

This action by the terrorist TPLF  has  once again proved that the group has no other purpose but to use the people in Tigray for its fabricated propaganda, it added.

The government urged the international community to condemn the terrorist group's act and investigate the reasons behind such actions.

The government has further confirmed that it will continue to intensify its efforts to provide the necessary humanitarian assistance to the people in Tigray, who are in dire situation.

Ethiopian News Agency