Nation Harvested Over 336 Million Quintals of Crops During Meher Season - ENA English
Nation Harvested Over 336 Million Quintals of Crops During Meher Season

Addis Ababa June 6/2022 /ENA/ The Ministry of Agriculture announced that some 336.6 million quintals of various crops have been harvested nationwide during the 2021/22 “Meher” season.
Minister of Agriculture Omar Hussein made the remark today in his performance report presented to the House of Peoples’ Representative.
The Minister said that the nation planned to cover 13.2 million hectares of land with various seeds during the season and was able to achieve 97 percent of the plan.
Accordingly, some 336.6 million quintals of various crops have been harvested across the nation, he added.
According to the report, the performance registered shows a decline of 5 million quintals compared to the 341 million quintals obtained during the Meher season of the previous year.
It was indicated that the report did not include areas that missed the farming season due to the conflict including Tigray region.
On the other hand, the minister said some 19.4 million quintals of produce has been harvested in the past nine months by private investors engaged in the agricultural sector.