Japan Aligning Assistance with Ethiopian 10-Year Development Plan: Ambassador Takako

May 28, 2022 (ENA) Japan is discussing ways of aligning its assistance with the Ethiopian 10-year development plan, according to Ambassador Ito Takako.

It is to be recalled that the government of Ethiopia had announced last year its Ten-Year National Development Plan which prioritizes development corridors, private sector and other development partners with a view to ensuring Ethiopia’s growth for the coming decade.

In an exclusive interview with ENA, Japanese Ambassador to Ethiopia, Ito Takako said the government of Japan would like to reflect what the Ethiopians would like to do under the 10 year development plan.

Noting that the Japanese government had an assistance plan for Ethiopia 5 years ago, the ambassador pointed out that it is about time to review and revise the this plan.  

“So, we are now trying to change our country assistance plan in line with your 10 year plan and we are trying to have as many elements of the plan come under our priority pillars,” Takako emphasized.

The new development assistance will focus on three main pillars that include social and economic development issues.    

“We have thematic pillars, for example; having a resilient economy that would cover a lot of development plans, human security such as health, education, and having green and clean economy. Those are main three pillars we are now discussing with the Ethiopian side. I think we are in agreement in principle and we just need to tune. And we are looking to working with the Ethiopian side for the new project including technical cooperation,” the Ambassador elaborated

It is to be recalled that Ethiopia and Japan had carried out an economic policy dialogue meeting a week ago in Addis Ababa.

the Japanese ambassador said that this is the first time in six years that Ethiopia and Japan had policy dialogue for economic cooperation and stressed “we hope to have it annually from now on, but we would like to have specific project ideas that we would like to do for next year.’

Ethiopia currently exports various items to Japan such as coffee and flowers; she said adding that Japan is keen in further boosting the existing trade volume with Ethiopia.

She reiterated to further strengthen the bilateral relationship between Ethiopia and Japan in various areas including in democratization and Asia Pacific Cooperation.  

According to the ambassador, Japan is also keen to strengthen ties with Ethiopia as the country  is the second largest populous in Africa with a lot of potential.

“After all, Ethiopia is an African country and Japan is an Asian country but both are very dynamic region. And connecting those two regions will have a lot of potential. Of course we have invested in Asian region, and Asia itself is becoming a very strong economic area, but we see the potential of dynamic development here in Africa. And Ethiopia is the second largest populous in Africa and we have recognized a lot of potential in this country,” Takako underscored.

The Ethiopian government has opened up the telecommunication for the private sector and now Japanese company has joined, the Ambassador lauded.

Some 27 percent of Safricom is coming from Sumitomo Corporation, she said, and added “I think a lot of Japanese companies will look at the success of Sumitomo Corporation.”

Ethiopian News Agency