Nation on Right Track to Realize Wheat Import Substitution; Initiate Export After 2 Yrs.

Addis Ababa May 27/2022/ENA/ The government of Ethiopia is on the right track in implementing its plan to enhance import substitution and begin export of wheat production after two years, Ministry of Agriculture said.

It was indicated, during the meeting of the National Macro Economic Council of Ethiopia held recently to review its 9-month performance, that 336 million quintal of agricultural produce has been harvested so far, out of which 25 million quintal is wheat obtained through summer irrigation.

This has helped the nation to ease the soaring price of wheat due to the war between Russia and Ukraine, it was also stated during the meeting.

Speaking to ENA, Crop Development Director at Ministry of Agriculture Esayas Lemma said that Ethiopia has enormous potential to cultivate wheat beyond  its domestic consumption.

According to him, the nation has some 1.9 million hectares of arable land suitable for cultivation of wheat throughout the whole farming seasons as well as to develop some 1 million hectares of land through irrigation schemes.

Accordingly, the nation is striving to exploit all these untapped resources by expanding irrigation schemes and boosting productivity, he added.

The director stated that some 455,000 hectares of arable land of the country has so far been irrigated with wheat as part of the plan, adding that about 16 million quintal of wheat developed through irrigation is expected to be harvested during this fiscal year.  

“Currently, we are conducting various activities as planned. After satisfying the domestic consumption, we will begin exporting wheat production and earn foreign currency after two years,” Esayas said.

As per the ongoing plan, the director stated that after two years, the nation is expected to cultivate two million quintal of wheat, exceeding the demand for domestic consumption.

Various activities are also under way to effectively realize this national ambition by exerting the appropriate efforts vital to the successful implementation of the plan including the efficient provision of agricultural inputs, expanding irrigation schemes, and enhancing productivity, he stated.

Ethiopian News Agency