Patriots Sacrifice for Truth, Faith in Affairs of Ethiopia: PM Abiy

May 05, 2022 (ENA)  The brave Ethiopian mothers and fathers sacrificed their lives for the sake of their country's independence and sovereignty, Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed said.

In his message in connection with the Patriots' Victory Day, PM Abiy said patriotism is the sacrifice made for truth and faith in the affairs of the nation.

“Our brave mothers and fathers sacrificed their lives for the sake of their country's independence and sovereignty,” he noted.

“Today, we honor our patriots who paid this ultimate sacrifice,” Abiy underscored.

“We must make sure that we are the successors of our patriots and we must be ready to make the ultimate sacrifice for the sovereignty and prosperity of our country, which our patriots has honoured.”

Patriots' Victory Day is a national holiday in Ethiopia marked on May 5th. This day commemorates the end of the Italian occupation on in 1941.  

Ethiopian News Agency