Ministry of Revenues Collects 248.6 Billion Birr in Nine Months

Addis Ababa April 25/2022 /ENA/ Ministry of Revenues disclosed that it has collected more than 248.6 billion birr from tax and duty during the past nine months of the current Ethiopian fiscal year.

The stated amount is 17.10 percent higher than the amount obtained during the same period last year.

In a press release it issued on Monday, the ministry stated that from the targeted more than 267. 5 billion birr for the nine months, more than 248.6  billion birr was collected in the stated period which is 93 percent of the plan.

Minister of Revenues, Lake Ayalew said  that despite all the internal and external challenges of the nation including the COVID-19 pandemic and internal conflicts in some parts of the country, the performance registered during the nine month is so encouraging.

Praising the commitment and dedication of the leadership and employees of the ministry and Customs Commission, he also thanked all the committed tax payers across the nation, partners and the people at large.

Ethiopian News Agency