NISS Arrests 34 Al-Shabaab Members Planning Attacks in Addis, Regional States

Addis Ababa April 23/2022 /ENA/ The National Intelligence and Security Service (NISS) disclosed that it has apprehended 34 Al-Shabaab members who were making preparations to carry out terrorist attack in Addis Ababa and various parts of the country.

The suspects were arrested in operations carried out in collaboration with Somali and Oromia regional states security forces, it was learned.

The statement added that the Al-Shabaab terrorist group has been preparing to carry out terrorist attacks in seasons when religious events are frequent but the plot was foiled by the security service.

NISS stated that it has been secretly monitoring the planned terrorists attacks in Addis Ababa and other parts of the country since its inception.

The group had been making preparations to inflict huge damage in Addis Ababa city, Oromia and Somali regional states. They were at the last stage of onslaught when busted.  

One of the suspects recruited by the group opened a number of bank accounts in the name of Mikael Abdurahman Ibrahim and has been receiving large sums of money from agents of the terrorist groups in Minnesota (USA), Somaliland and Kenya.

The terrorist group's plots and activities were revealed after monitoring and research that took a long time, the statement pointed out, adding that the government is working with foreign intelligence agencies to apprehend other individuals involved in the conspiracy.

According to the statement. out of the 34 members of Al-Shabaab 10 were arrested in West Arsi, East Arsi, West Bale, East Bale, East Shoa, West and East Hararge zones of Oromia regional state.

The remaining 24 have been arrested in Afdera, Dolo, Gode, Jijiga and Shebele on Somali region.

Rifles, ammunitions and other weapons as well as documents and passbooks were also seized from the homes of the suspects.

NISS finally noted that the terrorist group Al-Shabaab, which had repeatedly failed to carry out terror in Ethiopia, could attempt to make similar attempts in the future and called on the entire population to be vigilant and intensify their efforts to thwart terrorist plots.       

Ethiopian News Agency