Ombudsman Reveals Atrocities, Massive Destructions in Amhara and Afar Regions

April 20/2022 /ENA/ Findings of the Ethiopian Institution of the Ombudsman (EIO) have revealed atrocities and massive infrastructure destructions in the Amhara and Afar regional states.

The survey was conducted in seven zones of Amhara and two zones of Afar regions invaded by the terrorist TPLF.

Some 1,217 people were raped in the Amhara region, infrastructure deliberately destroyed and 1.8 million people made dependent on emergency food relief, according to the institution.

The report indicated that over 800 million Birr worth infrastructure was destroyed in the Afar region alone.

According to the survey, human and material damages inflicted on the regional states and  structures have resulted in crippling the ability to deliver provisions and government services.

Briefing the media, EIO Women, Children, Disabilities and the Elderly Director Seblework Tariku stressed that women and children have been victims of sexual violence.

So far, a total of 1,217 mothers, girls and the elderly were sexually assaulted in North Gondar, South Gondar, North Wollo, Waghamra, South Wollo, North Shoa, and the Oromo National Administration of the Amhara region, she added.

According to her, private, public institutions and religious institutions in the region were directly or indirectly damaged.

Education, health, and other facilities were used during the war as camps, medical facilities, and various other facilities, the director noted, adding that facilities were then deliberately set on fire and looted.

"We have confirmed that all service facilities in the seven zones of the state (Amhara region) have been severely damaged."

Given the magnitude of the destruction in the Amhara region, Seblework urged both  the federal and regional  governments to work together to rehabilitate war-affected areas.

She underscored that extensive support is needed to address the effects of war, disability, health problems, and similar issues.

In addition to the rapid rebuilding of the damaged properties and speedy implementation of basic services, the director recommended sustainable psychological support to the community exposed to psychological disturbance, depression and anxiety.

EIO Abuse Prevention Administration Director, Adane Belay said on his part the damage on  education, health and government institutions as well as homes and religious institutions in the two zones of Afar regional state is estimated at more than 800 million Birr.

Explaining the failure of the public-private enterprises to fully provide services, Adane stated that the lack of access to medicine for the displaced and the lack of access to care for the elderly have been  major challenges that people are facing.

Ethiopian News Agency