Higher Government Officials Visit Investment Projects in Debre Berhan

Addis Ababa April 17/2022/ENA/ Federal and regional state higher governments officials have visited investment projects in Derbre Berhan.

Higher officials of the federal and regional governments include Deputy President of Prosperity Party, Adam Farah, Speaker of the House of People’s Representatives, Tagesse Chafo, Chief Administrator of Oromia Regional State, Shimelis Abdisa and Chief Administrator of Amhara Regional State, Yilkal Kefale,

During the visit, Head of the Industry and Investment Department of Debre Berhan Town, Berhan Gebrahiwot said the town and its environs have become increasingly attractive for investment destination in recent years.

He said investment licenses have been issued for 50 projects worth of 16 billion birr this Ethiopian budget year.

According to him, of the 330 projects to which investment areas have been provided, 52 of them have completed their construction works and become operational.   

The government officials have visited various  factories in Debre Berhan.

Ethiopian News Agency