Israeli Medical, Parliamentary Members Arrive in Gondar

Addis Ababa April 12/2022 /ENA/ A delegation of Israeli medical and parliamentary members have arrived in Gondar, Amhara Regional State for a two day visit.

Upon arrival at Emperor Tewodros Airport, officials of University of Gondar and authorities of the town received them with warm welcome.

 University of Gondar President Dr. Asrat Atsedewein told ENA that the mission of the delegation is to support the Ethiopian government in its efforts to rehabilitate war-torn health facilities in the state.

The delegation is led by former Israeli Deputy Minister of Security and current member of the Israeli parliament, Gadi Yevarken.

The delegation includes leaders and health professionals from Israeli health facilities, including members of the Israeli parliament.

During its  two-day stay, the delegation will visit the activities of the University of Gondar and the University’s General Specialized Hospital.

The delegation is also expected to visit the Emperor Fasil's Palace, a World Heritage Site.

It is expected that they will hold talks with officials in the North Shoa, North and South Wollo and North and South Gondar zones of Amhara State, where the health facilities were destroyed by the terrorist TPLF.

A team of six surgeons who arrived in Gondar a day earlier began providing free medical care at  University of Gondar General Specialized Hospital.

The president explained that the surgeons are providing free surgical support for three days to patients who have been waiting a long time for surgery at the hospital.

Ethiopian News Agency