WHO Director General Tedros Serving Terrorist Group in Contravention of WHO Values - ENA English
WHO Director General Tedros Serving Terrorist Group in Contravention of WHO Values
The World Health Organization (WHO) is established with a mission to promote health, keep the world safe and serve the vulnerable everywhere in the globe. As the highest international body responsible for the safe provision of health services to the people of the world within the United Nations system, it is expected to adhere to the UN values of integrity, professionalism and respect for diversity as well as the principles of human rights, universality and equity.
However, WHO Director General, Tedros (PhD) has been repeatedly spreading misinformation against Ethiopia, deliberately hiding facts of atrocities the terrorist group committed on civilians in Amhara and Afar regions. His misinformation and double standards are in contravention of the aforementioned values of the organization.
The director who is responsible for global health has been fabricating false information, providing a propaganda support for a terrorist organization that has waged war on the people and government of Ethiopia since November 3, 2020. As the head of the global organization, he is expected to condemn the barbaric acts and destruction of health facilities by the terrorist group in Amhara and Afar regions.
A report issued by the Ministry of Health in 2021 indicated that 1,500 health facilities have been severely damaged in Amhara and Afar states in a deliberate attack on health care facilities, following its invasion to the two states. The Ministry also reported that 20 hospitals, 227 health centers were destroyed by the brutal group. Nonetheless, 14 hospitals, 153 health centers, 642 health posts were totally looted and the medicaments were transported to Mekele. A hospital, 10 health centers, 38 health posts were also vandalized in Afar state.
As WHO Director, Tedros was well aware of the crimes committed by his own organization in Ethiopia. However, contrary to his global responsibility and professional ethics, he never uttered a word clearly showing his ethnic bias and hatred for the people in Amhara and Afar who were left with no medical treatment. He continued to falsely advocate for terrorist TPLF that is ruling his own kith and kin at gun point confining them into a regional Nazi type concentration camp. In many of his twitter accounts over a year, he acclaimed the terrorists for their atrocities in Amhara and Afar regions.
For the last 6 months, Tedros was accusing the Ethiopian government for blocking food aid to the people of Tigray totally denying the fact on the ground-- the terrorist TPLF was bombarding the main route through which food aid was transported to Tigray. Tedros is engaged in misinformation campaign for the terrorist, overlooking the massacre of thousands of civilians including children, women and the disable, youth and the elderly in North and South Wollo as well as Afar zones. He continued to mention only about Tigray, showing clear double standards in contravention of WHO values. Mind you, those killed, raped and molested people who are his own countrymen and women, contributing for his education. This is indeed a betrayal of the highest proportion from a professional who is leading a global health organization which should have addressed the needs of the victims who suffered from the wanton war on innocent civilians. By keeping silent on the issue but advocating falsely only the situation in Tigray, Tedros is meddling in th political ramification of the issue.
At a press conference, he said that he has a duty to protect and promote health wherever it is under threat. If he was surely serious on promoting health wherever it is under threat, one raises a question as: what has he done about the sufferings of the Ethiopians in Amhara, Afar, Oromia and other parts of the country? In his false propaganda warfare, he tries to depict that only Tigray was affected by the war when the world clearly knows what the terrorist TPLF has done in Afar and Amhara. His narrow nationalistic stance on the entire situation in Ethiopia is totally incompatible with his global position as WHO general director.
Besides, the director general falls short of equity, balance and impartiality threatening the very ethical standards on which the WHO was established by UN members. He is turning a reputed global health organization into a propaganda office instead of focusing on the mandate for which he was elected.
Last week Tedros picked up his accusations on the government of Ethiopia saying WHO was denied a permission to transport 95 MT of food and medicaments to Tigray. However, Mitiku Kassa, Commissioner for the National Disaster and Risk Management of Ethiopia (NDRMC) revealed that the government granted permission to WHO on March 14, 2022 to transport the consignments to Tigray effective March 21, 2022 but the organization failed to transport the amount allotted for Tigray. To the dismay of the international community and the Ethiopian government, Tedros continued with his false accusations on his twitter account denying the obvious truth and politicizing the humanitarian issue that is basically the concern of the Ethiopian government. He is trumpeting a propaganda against his own people who are deprived of food aid by the terrorist TPLF.
The people of Tigray are fleeing to Amhara and Afar regions being exhausted by the fascistic rule of Tigray and the intolerable hunger they are forced to face. Those who are displaced into the two regions in thousands reported that food aid is being transported to Tigray by air but the needy population gets nothing as the terrorist organization hoards food and sells them to local merchants.
The fact on the ground is that food is being transported to Tigray twice a day with the permission granted by the Ethiopian Government. Neglecting the global duties to which he is entrusted, Tedros is misinforming the international community and the people of Tigray regarding facts on the ground.
This is a component of the global conspiracy of imposing HR600 on Ethiopia, pushing the US Congress to approve it. And this is the worst type of conspiracy and betrayal of the Ethiopia people.