Draft Bills HR6600, S3199 Undermine Ethiopia's Success in Maintaining Sovereignty: MoFA

Addis Ababa March 24/2022 /ENA/The draft bills HR6600 and S3199 undermine the success of Ethiopians in maintaining the sovereignty of Ethiopia, Foreign Affairs Spokesperson Dina Mufti stated today.

In his weekly briefing, the spokesperson said that the ratification of the bills will also hurt Ethiopians and Ethiopia.

Above all, the bills undermine Ethiopia’s political, economic and security independence, he stressed.

The bills further emasculate the various government efforts to realize peaceful solutions to the current problems in Ethiopia.

“Various government efforts are helping to realize peaceful solutions to the current problems in the country, ” Dina said, citing the positive impacts of releasing senior political prisoners, lifting of state of emergency, formation of National Dialogue Commission, and the need for strengthening Ethiopian American relationship as well.”

However, the diplomatic relation between Ethiopia and America will be in question if the two bills are endorsed, he stressed.

The spokesperson of Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MoFA) urged members of the diaspora in the US to engage congressmen, senators and all those individuals who can influence the process.

Meanwhile, Dina also mentioned about the engagement of Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Demeke Mekonnen with Oxfam delegation led by the executive representative of the organization.

The delegation was briefed on the natural disasters and calamities in the country and the effects of the drought in Oromia and Somalia regions.  

Finally, the  Oxfam delegation was asked to extend the necessary support so that the country could withstand the effect of the drought and other natural disasters in the country.

Ethiopian News Agency