PM Abiy Visits Summer Irrigation Farming Activities, Gorgora Project in Gondar Zone of Amhara Region

Addis Ababa, March 20 /2022 (ENA) Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed today visited summer wheat farming activities being undertaken in West Dembia Woreda of Central Gondar Zone in Amhara regional state of Ethiopia.

Regional Presidents of Oromia, Amhara, South Nations and Nationalities as well as ministers and other senior government officials have accompanied the premier.  

During the occasion, Amhara Regional State Agriculture Bureau Head Hailemariam Kefialew revealed that 2 million quintal of wheat product is expected from the 41,000 hectares of land being developed with the help of irrigation in the region this summer.

He also said that some 2,600 hectares of the land is being irrigated in Central Gondar Zone of Amhara region alone as part of the summer wheat production endeavors.

Some 100,000 quintal of wheat production is expected to be harvested from the Zone; it was indicated during the occasion.

The prime minister has also visited the Gorgora project, which is part of the Dine for Ethiopia initiative, designed to enhance the nation’s tourism attractions.

The Gorgora Project is expected to serve as an engine for the development of Gondar and its surroundings as it is endowed with immense tourism attractions and other economic advantages including agro-processing and manufacturing.  

The Dine for Ethiopia initiative also includes Wonchi and Koysha located in Oromia and South Nations and Nationalities regions of Ethiopia respectively.  

It is to be recalled that the Dine for Ethiopia initiative has raised over 4.2 billion birr to fund the construction of  the three projects.

Ethiopian News Agency