Gov’t Presents Reconstruction, Recovery Plan of Conflict-affected Regions to Development Partner Group

 March 18/2022 /ENA/ Ministry of Finance presented today the Government of Ethiopia’s framework for Reconstruction and Recovery plan of the conflict-affected regions namely, Amhara, Afar, Tigray, Benshangul, and Part of Oromia to the Head of Agencies of the Development Partner Group.

The Minister of Finance, Ahmed Shide, in his welcoming statement elaborated about the overall social, economic, and political impacts of the conflict, COVID, and drought that the country is now facing.

He further emphasized the significance of the damage to the livelihood, infrastructure, and humanitarian crisis.

To find amicable solutions for these challenges, the Minister explained about the joint framework for reconstruction and recovery plan which is government-led but is being supported with the technical engagement of key experts from the development partners.

Currently, he said the government has been taking the necessary measures to start basic services and government services in conflict-affected regions.

Overall, the representatives of the Development Partner group welcomed the initiatives taken by the government in preparation for such an ambitious recovery plan, according to Ministry of Finance.

In line with this, the World Bank elaborated about the preparation of the current project aiming at addressing some of the major impacts of the war is being finalized.  

During the meeting, some partners expressed their concerns on the issues of comprehensive peace, humanitarian access to Tigray, and human rights violations.

The minister expressed his gratitude to the development partners for their continuous support to minimize the humanitarian crisis in the conflict-affected areas and for their technical and financial support for the government’s recovery and reconstruction effort.

He also updated the development partners about the inclusive national political dialogue is also part of the bold actions that the government of Ethiopia is taking.

However, in relation to the humanitarian access in Tigray, the major problem is the recent aggression on Afar by TPLF forces that is affecting the main route of the land transport access.

He also said the government is taking the necessary steps to hold those perpetrators of human rights abusers accountable.

Ethiopian News Agency