Prosperity Party President Says Congress Set to Overcome Protracted Challenges

Addis Ababa March 11/2022/ENA/ The first congress of Prosperity Party would overcome challenges that obstruct the journey to prosperity, according to president of the party and prime minister of Ethiopia.

Abiy Ahmed, who is also President of Prosperity Party, addressed the opening ceremony of the congress under the theme “From Challenge to Elevation.”

According to him, this is  a congress  of ideas, energy, and unity that will help to overcome challenges.

The PP president prescribed the party’s homegrown ideology, Medemer, as that way to prosperity.

Noting that Prosperity Party is an organization with more than over 11 million registered members, the largest in the country's history.

Abiy described Prosperity Party as the giant political organization in Africa today.

Prosperity, the current governing party in Ethiopia, has a capacity and ability to lead the country and ensure prosperity in Ethiopia, he stressed.

“We are very proud to be a member of this party as it is a party that has the ability and structure to cover all parts of the country and all nations.”

Ethiopian News Agency