Commencement of Power Generation Testament to Cooperation of Ethiopians: HPR Members - ENA English
Commencement of Power Generation Testament to Cooperation of Ethiopians: HPR Members
Addis Ababa ,February 23, 2022 (ENA)The partial commencement of power generation of the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD) is a testament to cooperation of Ethiopians and exemplary to less developed countries like Ethiopia, Members of House of People’s Representatives (HPR) told ENA.
The House members said the power generation demonstrates that it is possible to achieve results through cooperation.
Among members of the parliament, Berhane Meskel Tena said the dam which unites Ethiopians is a testament to their cooperation.
GERD is a symbol of unity in which people from all walks of life made their contributions in finance, skill, and expertise, he added.
"I believe that we have achieved this together because we are one and we have all contributed and put our eyes on it. We have, therefore, succeeded."
Divided, "we wouldn't have succeeded in accomplishing the power generation. Now, one of the turbines has started work and there are still three or four more turbines. So, we need to stand together and work hand in hand to generate more electricity and make poverty history."
The other parliament member, Anessa Melko, said the dam is the first mega project that created unity and cooperation of all Ethiopians.
Even if the project has taken a long time, it is thrilling to see it reached this stage of power generation.
He explained that significant works on the dam have been done by the current leadership.
According to him, the dam opens a door to the future growth of the country; and "shows that we can successfully carry out other projects. Moreover, it is a good example for the whole of Africa and other less developed countries like us."
The greatest hope is not only getting light, but power for industries, Anessa stated, adding that this crucial chapter ushers in industrial development into the country.
The Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam will significantly contribute to meeting the growing energy demand of the country, which is growing at an annual rate of 13 percent, and will alleviate the suffering of the people when completed.
Currently, the construction of GERD is over 84 percent.