Tourism Professionals Association to Facilitate Tours to Participants, Delegates of AU Summits


Addis Ababa January 27/2022/ENA/ The Ethiopian Tourism Professionals Association said it would facilitate tours to participants of the sessions of African Union interested in visiting tourist sites in the country.

The 40th and 35th ordinary sessions of the executive council and the AU assembly will be held in the Headquarters of the African Union next week.

Speaking to ENA, Ethiopian Tourism Professionals Association Operational Manager Minyamir Asrat said the events would provide opportunity for organizations engaged in tourism sector to show the reality on the ground.

The sessions are opportunities that would enable to invigorate the hotel and tourism sector which has been weakened by COVID-19 pandemic and conflicts in some parts of the country.

The association is planning to promote tours to historical and natural sites at the airport and the premises of AU to provide information for the participants and other delegates.

Furthermore, the association operational manager stated that it will also seize the opportunity to promote the image of Ethiopia.

The 40th ordinary session of the executive council or the ministerial session is going to take place from February 2 to 3, whereas the 35th ordinary session of heads of state and government  of AU member states will be held from February 5 to 6, 2022.

Ethiopian News Agency