Inclusive Approach in Formation of Cabinet Creates Trust between Competing Parties, Gov't: TDP

Addis Ababa October 6/2021 (ENA) The inclusion of members of competing political parties in the new cabinet formed today would create trust between the opposition and the government, according to Tigray Democratic Party (TDP).

TDP Secretary-General Gidena Medihn told ENA that the new cabinet of Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed has changed the trend that prevailed over the past years and the relation between competing political parties and the government.

To witness competing political parties included in the cabinet ushers a new beginning for the vision to ensure stable democracy, he added.

Sworn in for a 5-year term last Monday, the premier has formed a cabinet by including three ministers from competing political parties and this will take the country's democracy one step forward, the secretary-general noted.

Citing that the move would create trust and remove suspicion in Ethiopia, especially among competing parties, Gidena said, adding that this is a new chapter in widening the political space and key to realizing the ambition of the country in building democracy.

According to him, members of the new cabinet are entrusted with huge responsibilities in  transforming the country.  

“At present, our beloved country faces some difficulties. So, members of the cabinet have to  sacrifice their energy to resolve the challenges witnessed in the economic, social and political sectors.”   

Praising the ruling Prosperity Party for its inclusive approach, he stated that the decision is a big step in the Ethiopian political history which has been mainly based on hatred and conspiracy.

Ethiopian News Agency