Eritrean Refugees Fleeing Atrocities of TPLF

Addis Ababa July 21/2021 (ENA) Eritrean refugees sheltered in Tigray region revealed that the terrorist group TPLF has been killing, raping, robing, and abducting refugees defying international immigration law.

Eritrean refugees who were sheltered in Mai Ayni, Adi Harush. Shimelba and Hitsats camps in Tigray region are now fleeing to Debark town, North Gondar Zone of the Amhara region, it was learned.

According to one of the refugees, Solomon Tesfamariam said he has heard that several refugees have been killed by the terrorists in Hitsats and Shimelba refugee camps.

The refugee added that six refugees were killed recently at Mai Ayni refugee camp and funeral service was carried for only one of them, Suleiman Mohammed. The rest are not yet buried, he revealed.

Solomon further told ENA that three refugees have died due to lack of medicine and two mothers are in critical condition following the robbery of drugs and other medical supplies provided for refugee by the TPLF.

The whereabout of more than 70 youths who were recently abducted from Mai Ayni shelter are unknown, he added.

"We are not supporters of any political party but refugees," Solomon said, noting that the illegal group must be strongly condemned by the international community.

"Three people have died this week due to lack of medical treatment….. So I would like to ask on the behalf of refugees that the international community must condemn this force."

Another Eritrean refugee, Gedey Tesfazgi stated that “we have been subjected to atrocities and suffered untold abuses at the hand of the terrorist group TPLF."

Many female refugees have been raped and children under the age of four had been abducted, he exposed.

"We  therefore request the government to provide us with a safe passage to a safe shelter," Gedey demanded.

 Gebretensay Dawit who fled from Hitsats camp to Debariq town said, "the refugees are being brutally killed and robbed. Currently, there is no food, water supply in the refugee camps. The terrorists have even deployed heavy weapons at refugee camps." 

Maitsebri refugee camp  coordinator, Sintayehu Berihun said many refugees are fleeing to the towns of Debark and Adarkai. They are therefore being temporarily sheltered in schools and  temporary camps. 

"In the coming days, more than 25,000 refugees are expected to come from the Adi Harush and May Aini refugee camps," he added.

Moreover, the coordinator stated that preparations are also underway to accommodate more than 10,000 refugees in Dabat town in the same region. 

Ethiopian News Agency