Ethiopian Diaspora Remits Over 3 Billion USD in 11 Months

Addis Ababa July 14/2021 (ENA) The Ethiopian Diaspora have sent 3. 3 billion USD remittance during the 11 months of the concluded budget year and invested 37.8 billon Birr during same period, according to the Ethiopian Diaspora Agency.

Ethiopian Diaspora Agency Director-General, Selamawit Dawit told ENA that the diaspora transferred the highest amount of remittance than in the last two years despite the COVID-19 pandemic.

According to her, 3. 3 billion USD remittance was sent by the diaspora during the last 11 months of the concluded Ethiopian budget year.

Some 6,406 members of the diaspora have also opened hard currency accounts at banks in Ethiopia depositing over 7 million USD, she added.

Projects registered with 37.8 billon Birr capital in investment areas of various sectors like hotel, agriculture, manufacturing, agro-processing, among others, and owned by the diaspoa  have been established, according to Selamawit.

Form among the total projects, 84 have become operational, creating 13,000 jobs in Addis Ababa, Amhara and Oromia regions, with a capital of 3.9 billion Birr in total.

The director-general has further called on the Ethiopian community to actively participate in national issues and investment.

Ethiopian News Agency